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Hello all!

Before anything else; the I Have No Mouth continuation poll was interesting! The results surprised me (along with a few others, it seems). I'd already started planning the next few chapters of the series, I was so sure it'd win. But, alas, the continuation lost that poll. So there's another poll up now to decide what series will replace I Have No Mouth. But, for those IHNM fans, worry not. I'll definitely return to Evelyn and Violet again in future.

So last month I tried something out where, rather than uploading new stories/chapters on Fridays, I added them to the Archives whenever they were complete. Which sort of worked, and sort of didn't. The big problem with that way of doing things is the proofreading/editing part of the process. Basically, the more time between the writing and editing, the better the end result. Think of it like approaching the proofing/editing with a fresh mind and a kind of creative distance. Ideally, there'd be a few days (or a week or two) between finishing writing and starting the proof/editing.

With the 'add to the Archive as soon as it's done' thing, I've been quickly proofing stories/chapters the day after they're written. Which isn't ideal. But, on the other hand, it does simplify things and take a big chunk of stress off with not worrying as much about deadlines and such.

For February, I'll continue adding things as they're done rather than weekly. But I might also play around with some ideas I've had (like adding unproofed chapters to the TXT Archive and only putting them on the PDF Archive after they've been proofread). We'll see!

As for what I'll be writing this month: The start of a short bimbofication series, some All American Queen, a very short (2-3 chapters) sapphic Valentine's story, some A Corruption Most Divine, and the first chapter of the poll winning story. Starting with that Valentine story - the first chapter of which should be done and up on the Archives on the 5th or 6th, followed a day or two later with the second chapter.

I swear, every time I sit down to write one of these, I get that annoying feeling that I'm forgetting something. For the life of me, I can't remember what it is. Oh well!

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy this month's stories and a pleasant February in general!



Really glad to hear that I Have No Mouth will continue someday!