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First things first! The second chapter of Baby Steps: Generations will go up on the Archives either later today or tomorrow, and will be posted here on Patreon next Saturday. Given the overwhelming results of the poll, I'm also considering making it a main series story with multiple chapters a month. If I do, I'll probably put The Woman Beneath on hiatus until Baby Steps: Generations is complete.

For those who use the Archives, you'll probably have noticed the notes there recently and the uploads on Sundays instead of Saturdays. Long story short, I got a part-time/weekend job recently and it's been messing up my usual upload schedule. Saturdays are typically when I proofread/edit/format the week's stories and upload them on the Archives (and schedule them as posts on Patreon). With the new job, sometimes I just don't have the time to do all that on Saturday - especially if a chapter needs a lot of rewriting. So new stories/chapters will sometimes be added to the Archives on Sundays instead of Saturdays from now on.

If all goes to plan, April should be a pretty busy month with lots of stories and chapters. I don't want to promise too much, in case I find I can't deliver on those promises. But I'm setting my sights high in terms of output. I hope you all enjoy what I've got planned and, as always, thank you for your continued support!


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