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Ghost Boy, my longest series by far, is coming to an end soon. This poll here is to decide how the series is going to come to an end, and if the characters will return in a future series.

There are two options for how the series will end:

Option One: Kyle Wins. He beats Lucy, frees himself from her clutches, and lives happily ever after with Ana. The series ends there and, save for a few small side-stories, Kyle's tale comes to an end.

Option Two: Lucy Wins. She thwarts Kyle and assumes total control over his life. Ghost Boy comes to and end, but Kyle's story returns later down the line as a new series called 'Ghost Girl'.

If y'all pick Option Two, Lucy Wins, there will be a brief break between Ghost Boy and its continuation Ghost Girl (a short series will be in between). And, when the continuation does happen, do not expect a happy ending for Kyle. Ghost Girl, if it gets written, will be all about Lucy's depravity as she slowly breaks Kyle's will; humiliating him, feminising him, cuckolding him, etc. Suffice to say, it'll involve a lot more kinkier and darker stuff than my usual writing.

If Option One wins the poll, the Ghost Girl story will be shelved and set aside (same as with the potential Grimoire Sequel way back when) and there'll be another poll in a few weeks to determine what new series will take Ghost Boy's fortnightly slot going forward.



I wished to see lucy win as well, you could easily see the story going that way. Regardless, if Kyle does win, you could still do ghost girl as a "what if he lost scenario.


From a literary perspective, Lucy has to win. Otherwise, much of the story is relegated to dead ends and false leads. Also, the whole moral thrust of the story is showing Kyle gradually corrupting himself and becoming as bad, in his way, as Lucy. He needs to lose in order to find his way back as Ghost Girl. Furthermore, we just need to see how MindSpark is going to handle that idea within this universe (MindSpark raised it, remember!). Can bodies be changed as well as minds and sense of identity? Will Kylie begin a gruelling medical transition to become female? We need to find out.