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Gdrive : Mega 

I may have explained this before but this is the intro to the jungle island story. Its uncut at the moment so you can see those 1-3 frame glitches where the hair bugs out and such. I'm not 100% happy with how the mocap looks in this part however its 50% because of the way i imported it before and 50% lack of acting skill. I did take some notes from this for the next parts so that i dont repeat the same mistakes. I'm not going to fix those mocap errors in this intro bit and rather focus on the rest of the project and getting those parts right. I dont think those small flaws in this intro are worth fixing at this point.

Acting wise i might be exxagerating some of their actions which is something you dont realize while mocapping but staying fully still is alot more important that i had though. Also for the next parts I'll be mocapping scenes as one takes from start to finish (1-3 minutes) so i can limit camera angle cuts and have a more interesting camera flow.

voicing is ready for 5 out of the 6 characters so I can start production on most of the parts in this anim. Audio is still a question unanswered, though not too badly as it will be edited from the final version of the render so i can finish these animations 100% before audio is added. Meaning i dont need to halt any production because of it. 


1 Favela intro part 2 4.3.mp4


John R Sowerby

They're quite the double act, aren't they..... I can almost imagine Sheva getting a little satisfaction from seeing Lara get used as much as she does...


man im looking forward to this!