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I'm leaving to go to the military on January 6th and wont be back for a while. 

At the moment i have 8 out of 12 animations finished and ready to be posted during this period so expect 2 animations per month and exact release dates. They're all loops that are 5-15 seconds long and vary from consensual sex to hardcore bdsm. I've also scheduled behind the scenes content to be posted as well (somewhere between 4-8 posts per month) 

In Finland which is the country i live in, military or civil service is mandatory unless you have a proper reason which i do not nor do i want to fake any. At minimum the time is 6 months and at max 9 to 12 months. 

I still have most weekends and some extra vacation days off but its very unlikely that I'll have motivation to do anything other than sleep. I appreciate every single one of you patrons and i can respect if you want to cancel your subscription because of this period but like i said. I will still be regularly posting content. Thank you.



It's honorable that you want to serve your country! Be careful, and i'm sure whatever hentai you come up with, upon your return, will be fantastic.


Good luck and make lots of friends!