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Yeah I lost access to my FB page as I was removed from admin privilege 

If you are here from FB I made a new page:

If you are still using FB please help me reporting the old page
here's the link to stolen page's:

You can report it as Fake and Scam Page > Fake
Tho if you want to report it as something else you are welcome to do




Damn this sucks. Have you tried contacting Facebook support yet or are you relying on reports to get their attention? Either way I hope you can get your page back. Reported it for you.


I already did both All I can do now is seeing how it will play out :/ Tho I have low expectation for Facebook

Ben Davenport

Jesus, that's terrible. Hope Facebook gives you your page back and whoever hacked it gets arrested.


Did you have another admin that had some beef with you?

Black Heart

Damn, that sucks,i'm sorry to hear that :c, i wish you the best of lucks so you get it back fam ❤️


Done. Hope you get your page back.


That really sucks dude. I hope you can get it back.