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Hello everyone,

It's been bugging me for a long time now so I have to say it.

I started giving out artbooks since I want to show my appreciation to those that supported me here on Patreon. Sadly, in the recent months it has become something of a problem and a burden on my mind instead. I feel like people are becoming a patron only to get the book for cheap instead of wanting to support me. More over some have been saying things that I feel disrespectful since they have to wait to get the book. It truly makes it like my daily works are worthless. I'd rather have less supporters who appreciates what I did rather than this.

I am thinking of stopping giving out artbooks if its just gonna become a problem...


Giganscudo Duro

That's downright horrible, what ungrateful jerks have the gall to tell these things to you when you work so hard every day to bring us your wonderful work. If they only joined to get the books why not just buy them, you ingrates!


Sad to hear that, I always saw the artbooks as extras (when i joined i didn't even know about them), Personally, i don't care much about the books, i'm here because i think all of your works are amazing. You are completely free to do what you want in this matter, the important thing is that you feel comfortable doing what you like


I joined as a patron as i saw tour dailyw orks, and to this day, i still feel your daily works are still the main reason i'm staying as a patron. While the artbooks are a nice addition, i feel you should do what you feel comfortable as an artist on doing your passion!!


For what its worth, when I joined your Patreon, I didn't even know about the artbooks. I basically joined because of a Fire Emblem work someone else had shared onto Reddit. That I'm still here is a testament to the quality of the work you do.


Some people really can’t understand the hard work put into good art, I’m sorry you have so many of these low lives now. I first joined to see more of the Granblue art of yours I came across a long time ago, but I’ve come to really appreciate the art books as a means of organizing your works. They’re that more appreciable in that state!


Can’t people just support someone for the sake of supporting them these days? I say that those who’ve been disrespectful/impatient about your art books shouldn’t be getting them through Patreon “support”.

Niall Schröder

I've been patreon since a long time ago, I like all your artworks and I suppose I have given feedback sometimes. But if the problem is regarding new people coming to you just to get a cheap one out of you I think you should consider giving them out (if you want, it's completely up to you at this point), after some time and not right after the first month not even the first 3 months imo


your art is amazing bud, you've my full support ♡. try not let that issue bother you too much.


The artbooks turned out to be a bonus on top of getting all these high res and uncensored artworks on a regular basis! I joined here because i love the way you draw lingerie and swimsuits, dude. THAT is my bread and butter. Lingerie's amazing, I freaking love it, and the artbooks were merely a bonus to me, giving me more lingerie to look at. There's SO much lingerie designs around, I can't even begin to start picking out personal favorites! I hate that other assholes here have to ruin a potentially good thing for others though... >.< Whichever decision you make, just...keep up the good work. okay?

Sojiro Chris

I joined because I love your art after having seen them off of Twitter. I figured the $3 for more girls drawn in lingerie in your style would be worth it. And it definitely has been. Finding out about the artbook later on was just an extra.

Joe Massie

I've always been here for the art. Most of the time, I totally forget I also get the artbooks until they show up in my inbox and I'm just as surprised each time. Anway, keep up the good work. I always appreciate seeing your stuff each morning 👍


Honestly, I became a member only this year because I finally decided that, “Yes, I’m going to finally support this artist because I appreciate the art that they do,” and never really payed attention to the rewards cause that’s not my intention to be after for. I do thank and tip my hat to you for taking the time and effort in giving out these art books. If you decided that you don’t want to do it anymore I respect your decision.


just do what u believe in, when i first signed up for your membership u did not have any artbooks created in the first place, so i will still support u even if u dont give us the art book, i just want to support in the art u do!

Brandon Barger

That sucks that it's come to this. To me, the artwork was always a bonus. I actually bought one of the compilation books because I kinda liked the thought of one, but didn't feel like waiting for it. And they're reasonably priced when you buy them, so for you to get them standard with the cheap cost of Patreon, it's almost too good to be true. Maybe make a higher tier that includes the artbook. I may not change my pledge to get it, since I'm basically seeing everything as you post it anyway, and I also really like seeing the alternates side by side with the standards. But if it was more like $10 to include the artbook, or even $15, maybe the pricks wouldn't join in the first place.

Ikeda Hakubi

I concur, you should probably charge more for the artbook. It's not the reason I joined in the first place.


That’s horrible but I guess people are just used to the other artist who give out stuff per month. Maybe a way to apease these people is making like a link or pdf of the daily pics you did and have them all in one place and sending that while the art books are still a bonus but idk if it’s worth it for you. Terrible thing these people are saying and doing unfortunately


Like the others in this thread, It sucks that people are being rude just because they can't be patient. The artbooks were always more of a bonus for me since I joined because I liked the high quality work you make. Either way, whatever decision you make regarding the books, Ill support ya.


I'm pretty new to Patreon but I've been following you for a while on Twitter and I can finally afford to support you because you're one of the artists I follow the most. The book is a very interesting plus but it's not the thing I wanted the most in the first place, it's not my intention. It's kind of sad and I can't think of a way to fix it but you're free to decide what you want to do. And no matter what happens we will understand and continue to support you. So don't worry and keep up the good work.

Steven S

You could make the free artbook exclusive to a higher tier, I would absolutely switch to it.


Thank you very much for your understanding and supports guys I'll take some time to think... Even if I ended up making a new tier for the book this month's patron will still get their book next month because you guys already pledged for it

Black Heart

Just do what you think it's better fam, i haven't been here for a long time, but i got here because i love your art style and wanted to show some appreciation for your hard work.


I'm so sorry you're having people treat you like this. Do whatever you feel is necessary to rectify the situation, we back you 100%.


dont short change yourself

Ben Davenport

I'm sorry that you have to deal with jerks and thieves.


I kind of feel like just another one in the pile here, but I joined your patreon because I liked your work and wanted to support it. Mostly came for the FE waifus ngl but I love your style and seeing you do characters and series I’m less familiar with is still exciting and the quality is easily worth the pledge. I honestly didn’t even know about the artbooks when I first joined and don’t care too much about them now anyway, I’m here for the daily work and if the books are a problem I say do something about it, pretty sure a lot of people feel the same as me and will keep supporting you regardless :)

Im A Big Duck

Do what you believe to be necessary. I’ve been here for quite a while, and will continue to support your work for coming times.


I loved getting the artbooks on top of the amazing artwork every month so as long as I can, I plan to support your work even beyond getting all the artbooks and I can always be patient


When I donate to an artist, it is because I appreciate the work that they put out. I wanted to support you because of how well you make your art, it feels fresh and a unique artstyle that's interesting. What ever you do with your art books is your own choice and at the end of the day, I will still support you.

NOD Goblin Nico

Agree here. Honestly, your tiers are already such a smoking hot cheap deal that I can't imagine anyone complaining without being a complete and utter asshole.