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I just realized that most are gonna be from Royal Navy



Joe Massie

Slight complaint, but Drake's not showing off her Golden Hind 🍑

Joe Massie

I am too, but I still feel she is the exception to the rule


Drake! <3

Brandon Barger

I've gotta say, these are some of the best sketches you've done. Normally I really look forward to one and enjoy the others. But these 3, I don't really have a favorite. And I have never even seen the source material to really know much about it either. I usually have no idea about the source material you pull from to be honest. Good job on being good enough that I don't even care that I don't know the source!


These WIPs are looking amazing so far! I don't know if it just me, but i think i've noticed that you've incorporated more variety in the labia shapes lately, well, i don't know if that's the case or it's just me, anyway, I'm liking the way things are going with these new artworks (For some reason i think this comment sounds really bad hahaha).


Royal navy is my favourite. Wouldn't have it any other way


Thank you very much for the kind words, Brandon! It means a lot for me that you enjoyed my works even when you aren't familiar with the source materials!