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Hello, everyone!

I hope you guys are doing well in this hard times and keeping your health in check.

In the last few days, I've seen some post from artists on Twitter getting a complaint(s) from Patreon regarding their works especially if they draw minors (loli girls or shota bois). Now, I don't like drawing loli, hell I think my style is far from that and I don't draw any shota at all but, I do think Patreon is going over the top on this and I can see that a lot of people are seeing this as a suppression of freedom of expression. Again, I just wanna make it clear that I don't like loli and shota myself those are just not my cup of a tea but, people should be able to draw what they like because for me those are just FICTIONAL stuff and they are DIFFERENT WITH REALITY AND SHOULD BE KEPT THAT WAY.

It's really sad how this site transformed into something like this, when it is used to be a place where creator can build a community and get support from their fans directly. Even before this one there's another problems regarding anime style too before as I recall. I don't know man... it's just sad and troubling. 



The same happened with Tumblr, but they went 100000 steps ahead and banned any kind of H art and porn posts lol


Yeah man, i'm realy fkn surprised of how many artist got affected by this, even when the artist itself deleted that post/work that include minor content in here, they're still getting punished anyway and can't send rewards anymore. Its funny to me that patreon staffs rn are filled with SJWs somehow, and can destroy many life of artist lifework in here just because of a fkn fictional art. I really hope that your work here doesn't get punished like other artist here, but if that ever happens you can hop on to focus on fanbox instead, they're way better than patreon at current state (even tho fanbox still need some censoring) All the best of luck my dude.


I hate to see it too. I might consider moving my support for you from Patreon to Pixiv Fanbox cause I cannot support patreon doing this.

Antonio Zero

I think art should have the freedom to be whatever it wants as long as nobody gets hurt. Tbh though: I would prefer a guy jerking off to loli over a criminal anytime. They should appreciate it


While it is sad Patreon has cracked down on the content some artists produce, I can understand why. Patreon could make the rules that govern their decisions more specific in this area, as it is a large part of the anime art style, however, given the realistic nature of some illustrations it is a fine line. Of course, I’m just a patron, I am unable to see it from the creator standpoint.


Wow, i knew that there was something happening with some artist in Patreon... This is really fcked up, especially considering that Patreon basically has the monopoly in terms of these kind of websites, anyway, i hope this thing doesn't scale and get more restrictive. Anyway, I hope you do well and that this does not affect more people


Wonder if something like pixiv Fanbox would be a better alternative, though I'm guessing there you'd have to go by Japanese censorship laws with blurring genitals.


Fanbox is kinda weird in their censorship rules But I think what they want you to censor is straight sex? or a detailed rendition of genitals I got some problem with my 1st vol which does contain penetration/creampie but I did post some uncensored vaginas especially when posting about the vtuber (not by intention tho I just forgot to censor them) and I've got no complaint so far


I would definitely start looking for alternatives. It might be a good idea to look at creating an OnlyFans account.