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Honestly, I don't know how to begin...

Some of you might already know that I am not feeling really great the past month.

November really feels bad and unpleasant for me somehow.

I fell ill a few times and have trouble sleeping for several days.

I think I've understood why it is so, I think it's because I feel disappointed and sad in my works lately.

I just realized it now but maybe I was trying hard to... not facing it, to run away from it while unconsciously keep thinking about it.

It feels like the quality of my works have been fluctuating a lot lately, I feel like I betrayed the expectation of those who supported me. It really hurts to think about it. I feel... scared.

I am sorry if I did not meet your expectations.

I am sorry that I did not do better...

Sorry... that I have to start December with this post, I am not got at expressing this kind of things but I can't just let it swell inside especially to those that supported me this far.

Hopefully I can reflect on things soon...



Do what you can to make sure that you, above all, are satisfied with what you're doing. Us, the patrons, truly care about you. In fact, in the almost year that I've spent as your patron, I absolutely love looking at your art work and are thrilled every time I get a notification email. Please believe in yourself more.

Kevin Chen

I can't speak for anyone but myself. I don't feel that you should feel that way because people like me loved your artwork from its own unique style. Sure, there's people you'll disappoint, but not everyone's expectations can be met. Don't kill yourself over it as long as you think it helps you develop. Even while there's people not happy with the current you, you can always improve enough to meet that standard. But I feel that you must take care of yourself first. Fans similar to me wish you the best


Its ok, Aslind-san. Take some time off to resolve your slump so you feel refreshed first. Then you can draw again with a renewed feeling


For what it’s worth I’ll throw my opinion in here, do you first don’t let your passion become something you hate. You’re a really great artist and I would hate to see you stop doing this, keep motivated


Stay strong chief. And if you feel a bit bewildered and disappointed from your work that's fine. Its growth, we all go through it. Best thing you can do is keep your chin up.


at this point I think that the "November/December depression" thing that lots of my friends pointed may be a real deal. For past month or two I also feel like shit, no energy or motivation and I'm always tired. Or I'm getting too old (boomer syndrome?) Take care of yourself and hope you will feel better soon


Aslind-san, everytime the Patreon notif pings my phone abour *your* post, I will see to it right away. Your work is something that brightens up the day of us, the patreons, who show their faith and loyalty for the wait with their pockets. Its okay to feel like shit about the works at times, its how being an artist is like sometimes. I feel like im speaking on the behalf of the whole community when I say you dont have to feel ashamed, because we, the patreons love each and every one of your works. (Even if we might have slight disagreement over pantsu or no-pan) We love you and hope the best for you! Dont want the master himself to quit eh?


Might be a bais opnion as i love the XBC girls but i thought the work you have been putting out lately was fantastic. Perhaps try some new IPs to mix it up abit for yourself? Your own health and motivation is whats most important


I haven’t noticed any fluctuations in qaulity


It gets better, my man. This message is both to you, my Aslind boi, and all the people out there who might be struggling with their lives right now. There will be both ups and downs in life. Sometimes you will feel like shit or powerless to do something, and that's totally normal and fine! Life is one friggin' long journey. Personal development doesn't occur over a period of just a few months. It's perfectly fine and understandable if you may feel like you aren't up for the tasks, that you want to take a break from all this responsibilities.. But it DOES gets better. Always. Time is a strange thing. With time, your body and mind will heal themselves back to their former state. With time, you will learn many things and understand more about how to deal with things life throws at you. With time, more opportunities will present themselves for those that are still fighting to take those chances. So give it time, my dude, and it will get better. You are doing fine as f for someone in this situation. Taking a break is always an option if you need some time to reflect on things. Wouldn't want my boi being big sad for not being able to rest now :b


You are doing just fine my friend, dont be afraid to take it easy for a bit to figure yourself out. You cant please everyone so do the best that you can be with your drawing passion and your fans will be there to support you

NOD Goblin Nico

I think other people have said it better, but hang in there, your art is fantastic.


All good my dude, just take care of yourself first, i'll always love your art and support you, you just had a down time right now. You just gotta bite it down right now and remember that it'll go away one day, and you'll be a better person without realizing it. If you're in need to take a rest/break right now then please take it, don't push yourself too much, sometimes you need to take a look around and just realize how much you've done to make a lot of people happy in the past until right now. I hope you'll have a great year on 2020 my dude, always keep the positive vibe and remember all the good things, eventually it'll go away :)

Rick Grimes

Your works is as great as it always has been, no need to feel like that. For what it's worth, you're my favorite artist and to be honest you're the only one I'll actively support even if I don't have a stable source of income. You work hard and always deliver top notch quality pieces pretty much on a daily basis. You're doing a great job, believe me.

donnell shoffner

I am happy with your work. If you need some time off, I will continue to support you during your hiatus. Take care of yourself :)