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Hello everyone, Aslind here!

It's that time of the year again, I'll be going home soon on June 3rd and as always when I am at home, I won't be able to do much works because my family will be around me a lot. So... I hope you guys can understand if I can't really put that much update on the time I am there >< (Of course I will try to finish up my work whenever I can but not as often as the usual with constant daily updates)

For the time being I'll do as many works as I can until the time I am back to my place. I am planning on going back at around June 22nd. When I am back things will go back just like usual.

Thank you for your attention and time



Have a great vacation! You deserve it! Don't worry, we'll be here when you get back. Hah!


Good things come to those who wait, right? :D

El Repuesto

Enjoy your vacation, and don't feel pressured too

ChikaJihyo (Sophie)

Enjoy your vacation!!! You definitely deserve a break


Don't worry about it Aslind, enjoy your vacation. Hope you have a great times with your family.


Have a great time with your family!


Enjoy ~


I count an estimated 20 works for this month including bonus psds which is far more than anyone I have supported at $5. So take that well earned quality time.

NOD Goblin Nico

Possibly one of the best deals on Patreon, so I really don't know why anyone would leave. Enjoy your vacation!