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Hello everyone,

It's been awhile since I've made one of these posts, so I should probably explain what's going on with the channel next year. We've decided that the way we upload now leaves big gaps between releases, and we wanted to find a way to combat that. So from next year, we're announcing REVEL HOUSE SZN(s).

REVEL HOUSE SZN is a period of every season where we create a backlog of videos to release week after week. Seasons will be introduced with a trailer, along with new merch drops and fire content! These SZNs will include two Mii Time episodes, a skit, and a one-shot video (Either Surviving _____ or any other random shit). After the season is over, we would take a month break in preperation for the next! This will allow the cast to work around their busy schedules and give you the content you deserve! Which leads onto my next announcement.

Mii Time is making a big return! We've decided to fully focus on Mii Time for the forseeable future and bring back the 2D look in a new way! A lot of production issues took place with the 3D episodes, so we've had to put them on the backburner. But with this change, we can bring back the dynamic duo!

We appreciate your patience and support during these busy times! 2022 is going to be ours!



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