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Greetings to all $5+ patrons! The first LGR Wrap Up video for 2024 is here, so let's dive into the videos from January and all of your excellent inquiries.

Feel free to leave any questions for next month's video in the comment section below this post. I hope you've had a good 2024 thus far, and as always lemme give a huge thanks to you for your ongoing support!


LGR Wrap Up January 2024

an LGR thing.



I quite enjoyed this wrap up. I'd be down for weird keyboards. Also I'm glad to hear that you're into hats cause I sent you one with that Star Trek mouse lol.


Loved hearing you talk about your upbringing and the clash between games and church. Had a Christian upbringing in the 90's myself, even though it seems a bit more liberal than yours as no games where physically harmed here. But my father ones held a sermon in church about the latest game he'd seen me play (can't remember the exact game, probably Diablo or Warcraft) and how he disapproved of it. Was quite a strange feeling sitting in church and being talked about like that.


Ugh man, tell me about it. The number of times stories about myself or my family life was brought up during sermons and sunday school and youth group meetings... Always made me wanna just sink into my pew/chair and disappear.


Hey Duke Nukem you seem to have an eye for an automobile or two Question is are you a car nut?


Sorry, random question or 2. Favorite go to food for nursing a hangover? And do you have any games you've ever been exposed to that after playing you feel kinda off afterwards? I mean in the idea that the subject matter went a direction that afterwards you were like "that's just plain wrong, man"


Hey Clint, what's your history with Retroware TV? I've long held onto hope that you'd appear at one of the TooManyGames expos in Philly (in June each year), but Retroware is largely behind them and I didn't know the terms you were on with them, let alone the travel distance. Would be curious about how you got involved/uninvolved. Have a great March!

Vladimir Vyun

Just got to watching the Wrap Up (yeah, just after the next one came out). A video on weird keyboards? Hell yeah, I'd buy that for doll... I'd watch that!