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32 minutes long?! Darn right it is. Whether or not this is my best game review/retrospective, I can't be the judge, that is for you to decide. But that was certainly my goal going into this project.

Ever since my SimCity 2000 retrospective went gangbusters at the end of last year, I've been mulling over and analyzing that video to evaluate what I did right, what I could do better, and what I should cover next in a similar vein. SimCity 3000 was the obvious choice, especially with its QUARTER CENTURY anniversary happening in 2024!

But for real, even if my SC2K video had tanked I would still be making this one. SimCity 3000 is my favorite of the entire series and I have been meaning to discuss it properly on LGR for years and years. Weirdly enough I've been doing this long enough that I could've covered the 20th, the 15th, or even the 10th anniversary of the game in the amount of time I've been posting videos to YouTube... but I've put it off for ages because I knew there was no way I would be happy with it if I didn't touch on all the topics I demanded of myself to cover, and I was hyperaware of how much work this would take. Annnnnd I wasn't wrong, ha.

In hindsight it was good I put this off so long since the results are better than I could've produced even a few years ago, but jeez. It's been about three weeks now that I've been properly working on this video, yet I'm honestly still sitting here thinking of a dozen other things I could've brought up. This is one of those projects that had me placing RCI zones in my head while trying to fall asleep only to then dream about editing gameplay footage. Seriously. I have no clue how some people work on multi-hour videos without going fully mad.

Lemme know your thoughts and I hope y'all enjoy this one! I really want 2024 LGR to be more about quality over quantity whenever possible, along with NOT further delaying projects that I've put off for years. Which means more gaming retrospectives about particularly special titles are planned.

Next up will be a dumb topic that'll be significantly simpler to create just to let my brain and body recover a bit, along with the monthly LGR Wrap Up video for $5+ patrons soon. Have a good week and thank you for all your support!


SimCity 3000 25 Years Later: An LGR Retrospective

Celebrating the 25th anniversary of SimCity 3000! The third game in the classic Maxis city builder series had a false start in 3D form, but after EA took over and development restarted, the final 1999 game ended up being my favorite in the franchise. So let's revisit the Windows PC original, SC3K Unlimited, and the gameplay experience decades later in this LGR retrospective review! ● LGR links: https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.twitter.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews ● Widescreen resolution patch for SC3KU GOG version: https://support.gog.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018687573-Simcity-3000-Unlimited-widescreen-support?product=gog ● E3 1997 footage of 3D SimCIty 3000: https://youtu.be/SAob7hm0sP0?t=473 ● E3 1998 footage of pre-release demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOEyuJfp62c ● Background music from the SimCity 3000 soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkXOxLpdMds #LGR #game #review #retrospective #simcity



Holy crap dude, I also have one coming out. Made it during the Christmas holidays. Nice. Edit: Not same quality obviously ;)


I love these kinds of games, but being legally blind I've always had an issue seeing them well enough to get very far. I've watched a few lets plays though which, while not the same, at least I can experience them somewhat.


This video is another masterpiece from LGR! Thank you very much!