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LGR - Thrifts [Ep.13] Thrift-Fu

Join me as I go out thrifting, in search of games and interesting goodies at various discount shops! Visiting some Goodwills and Salvation Army stores this time. ● Please consider supporting LGR on Patreon!



Hahaha, priceless intro. :)

Lindsay Michelle

I always knew you were a thrift junkie (kind of obvious with you having a show about thrifting....) but I never knew you were so addicted you'd wake up on the pavement after a thrifting overdose, wanting another fix. :P Also, those hair dryers freaked me out as a kid, too! I think they still sort of do, too, especially the older looking ones... just something about how they look... it looks like a machine aliens use to suck your brains out of your head. o.o


"Roller Coaster Tycoon Board Game" ...my jaw fell through the floor. Want. So much want.

Justin Dotson

The 2nd goodwill looks like it has rave lights going on before you enter the store.


So I had to go back and watch 4:30-4:35 again because I was pretty sure the case was empty when you picked it up. And it was. So where did the disc go? Inquiring minds want to know... :)

Alyxx the Rat

Some great catches this time! Love me some Genesis action!


Gamestop doesn't keep the discs in the cases, you claim them at the counter when you're ready to buy.


Cool, a Babylon 5 game ! I love that series. Seems to be really really rare and quite enjoyable. <a href="http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/1873/babylon-5-component-game-system-core-sets" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/1873/babylon-5-component-game-system-core-sets</a>


my thrifting adventures recently have been epic - I've been thrifting for quite sometime now and this last 2 weeks I've acquired Tex Murphy: Under a Killing moon, Tex Murphy: Pandora's Directive, Panic in the Park, and Return to ZORK + Humans and Kings Quest VII the princeless bride -- all in Big BOX and complete


Now i just need Tex murphy: overseer and I'll be happy since I know Mean Streets and Martian Memorandum are insane rare -


Nothing better than waking up to another LGR Thrifts episode. It's the benefit of being GMT I guess. Thanks!

Kris Asick

I have a pair of those Packard Bell speakers... they barely work anymore though. :P Also, Nights Journey of Dreams is... just... UGH... the original Nights into Dreams is about a million times better. It's not that Journey is a BAD game by any means, but as a fan of the original, it just completely lacks the subtlety and charm of its predecessor and outright exposits absolutely every little detail about every little thing in the game, rather than leaving things up to the player's imagination.

Nostalgia Nerd

I was so excited to see this, I spilt an entire mug of coffee over myself, keyboard and desk.... WIN <a href="https://scontent-b-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/t31.0-8/10580889_638019606318751_4726283309391522475_o.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://scontent-b-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/t31.0-8/10580889_638019606318751_4726283309391522475_o.jpg</a>


Before you say anything, over here it is horrible to find not ebay prized games. The only place is the flee market, but with not ebay prized I mean cheap! I mean totaly overprized! Seriously! They want 15€ for a beat up In totaly bad condition Banjo Kazooie and than tell us that it would cost 50€ if it had a box! One of our Local Retrostores sell that game in good condition with box for just 15€. One also wanted 27€ for a beat up megadrive, and I sayd "What?" and he said "That is a megadrive! I even have the cables!" yeah great the analog tv cable, very usefull today! And it was dirty as shit!. There were only the cheap controllers to it and two games which I doubt are worth shit!. But seriously some dush has tons of games all overprized and not protected for direct sunlight! It was hard to even see what was on the cover!. Insane! So yeah those nice walks like you do are totaly impossible here, unless your are looking for anything but old games. And maybe PC games because there was a bunch of them laying around. But nuthing in an original box. But if you want an old Cassette Recorder those places are perfect, they don't screw you there!.


Oh those Packard Bell, yeah we had one of those!. Ever thought that was fricking awesome. I mean we had the whole computer with the tower that layed under the monitor. Fricking sweet.


Great video! I hope you had a great vacation.


Man you were in Hendersonville again. I went into that Goodwill a few weeks ago and couldn't find anything worthwhile. Great episode!


Holy banana, a Stargate game!