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Greetings to all $5+ patrons! The October 2023 Wrap Up video is ready for your consumption.

As always, leave any questions for next month's video in the comment section below this post. I hope you have a lovely November, and lemme give a huge thank you for your ongoing support!


LGR Wrap Up October 2023



Tyler Compton

If you haven't already, could you tell us more about being a puppeteer in the Caribbean? 😂

Tim J

Now that you've been in your new place for over a year, what are your feelings on home ownership? Is it everything you hoped it would be, or do you sometimes miss renting? I'm hoping to get out of So Cal and buy a place sometime in the next couple of years (though with interest rates the way they are, I might be stuck renting for a while...) so I'm just curious to hear about your experience.


Any thoughts on doing a video about or with Windows NT or 2000? I've found myself messing with NT4 a lot lately despite all of its shortcomings for games, it's kind of fun trying to work with a less talked about version of Windows

Blah Humbug

Are you still interested in 8 bit computers? I just bought a Sinclair 1500 demonstration kit and a Vic-20. I came around to computers in the late 80's so I missed that generation of hardware and am looking forward to diving in.


Just catching up to this video. Thank you for your answer to the interactions question! I bet it is absolutely surreal meeting and chatting with people that had LGR reach them from across the seas. Not to mention, people loving your videos so much that they apply it in a school setting. Thanks for your hard work, Clint!