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LGR - The American Girls Premiere

Uploaded by Lazy Game Reviews on 2017-04-06.



Nice Ninja Nanny reference.


The weird speech in that game is like a post colonial Garfielf video.


I'm always a sucker for games that have a ton of extra goodies. Plus, having your game packaged in a metal tin? Classy.


I'm a 35 year old man eating cereal nearly shooting milk out of his nose from laughing at "Sometimes I have a sudden urge to fart in this chair" My life is either really sad or really awesome


FRESH OATS, you've killed another one!


NGL I applauded at the Ninja Nanny callback.


That game is a little creepy; especially when the characters peel out of those cards in the beginning of the video. Programs like that, however, were quite entertaining. I always liked "activity center" and "creative sandbox" titles.

Jeremie Santos

Hey Clint, first, Hooray for edutainment month..... okay too excited. Quick question from our relative youths (late 80's to early 90's for me). In grade school we had these IBM PC's in our class rooms; I recall once a week we had to get on there to practice our typing with this one game program. The program obviously had us practice hitting certain keys to improve our typing, but there was an "exam" portion that showed images/scenes and got more complex the higher the level. If you had this in your schooling as well or sounds familiar during your research for edutainment month, do you recall the name of this program and what did you think of it? Every time edutainment month comes around this program from my past shows in my mind, black screen showing letters to type and a bottom row for me to type the corresponding letters, and the final exam screen. It's a memory of my past that I want to be sure isn't a figment of my imagination.


This game looks amazing!!!


Why this was the first 4K video I watched on my new dual 4K monitor setup I don't know. But it's LGR, I always love it.


you said Beefy


Whoa. I used to watch Kevin O'Leary on the Canadian show Dragon's Den (like Shark Tank). I did not expect him to appear on LGR :D


Huh. All I had growing up was Storybook Weaver


oh man this looks great. I never did really get into these make your own scene games, I have the simpsons one (cant remember the title at the moment) which lacks that wonderful text to speech synthesis!

Lindsay Michelle

I loved American Girls books when I was a kid... nowadays they don't seem as... historical as they used to be? Kind of sucks because those stories were super nostalgic for me, especially because of the historical aspect to them. I'm kind of surprised my mom never bought me this game... I never knew this game existed until now! And yes, being able to write anything text-to-speech will always be exploited... and it's always a good thing. :D


Dude, I'd SO watch one of your plays.


this was surprisingly fun


Yeah it sucks they aren't quite the same anymore. Losing the historical slant really makes them blend into the other Mattel dolls.


Hrm didn't know there was a Simpsons one. Makes sense though, there's a Simpsons *everything.*


A friend of mine got this back in the day. While she attempted to have us use it the "right way" we also quickly gave in to the fart joke simulator temptation. Was a charm to see it again 20 years later.

Kris Asick

As a stroke of extreme coincidence, I'm actually doing a Softkey-related filler video later this month! :o


Wow never heard of this before....