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Greetings, $5+ patrons! Got a number of new folks on this tier since last time so: WELCOME.

The LGR wrap up/Q&A ramble for June is here and ready to consume at your leisure. I recorded this a few days ago so if you've posted a question since then, feel free to post it again under this one and we'll get to it next time.

And as always, questions of any kind for next month's video can be left in the Patreon comment section below this post. Have a jolly and jovial July, and of course lemme give a huge thank you for your ongoing support! See y'all in the next one.


LGR Wrap Up - June 2023




Thing is, these remake sound cards are most times expensive AF, would rather love to see someone make a cheap remake like the PicoGUS, more down there about that, even if it uses some form of emulation. Big microcontrollers got cheap as chips, pun intended. My fiancee has set a theorem regarding this, he calls it the Controller Theorem. If you have the original controller in hand it doesn't matter that much that its emulated anymore. He mainly meant that for consoles, but even with computers. Have a little box somewhere with SimH emulating a PDP-11 with BSD2 in the corner and a VT340 connected to it. It will feel like 1975, even if i wasn't born back then yet. ^^' Or PCs. A Pi with a CRT and an old keyboard will bring you back to your youth sitting in front of your 386 playing Doom and Captain Comic. Bil Herd said that our old chips will die anyway sooner than later, so emulation trough soft or hardware is the way anyway, why delay the inevitable. Have replacements for all chips/cards ready or even a new board for the whole machine, shove it into that old case and have fun. I don't have the time to make one myself but for example for a new CGA card i would gladly chime in with some Euros and a case or two of Club Mate and/or beer for when someone sits down and makes a cheap FOSS replacement with new chips, be it an ESP32, a RP2040 or a cheap FPGA board like the Tang Nano and release it on Github for everyone to enjoy. Heck, could even make a SuperCGA out of it for new games where one can freely change the palette in the four color modes from all sixteen ones. Regarding soundcards, even a cheap RP2040 for 1$ can emulate an Adlib, see the PicoGUS* which is such a project. Full FOSS one can build themselves. Grab the Gerber, shove it to JLC or PCBWay, order the other bits and solder it together. Do all five and hand the ones you don't need to your retro friends. I might actually do that and sell some the next big DoReCo in Altenmelrich for what i paid in parts. :D *:https://github.com/polpo/picogus


And to add a question, what would need to happen for you to fully switch to Linux for your modern computer needs?


I also really appreciated the sound card vid but suspect there are people such as myself who are only semi-literate technically, so it’s harder to get as much out of such vids when you have no clue what the specs are/were referring to. Likely outside the scope of your channel and may not draw in a big crowd, but I’ve spent a long time trying to find digestible sources on computer/hardware and circuitboard (esp. vintage) functionality and certainly would appreciate a crash course. Would make me more likely to dive into such videos as the sound card. Like what are normal specs on a mid-90s PC vs one today?? Then again anyone besides myself who’s into computers seems to know what they’re talking about with how many Hertz and gizmos it does, so maybe it’s just a me problem!


Soundcards are awesome, dude! Your "evolution of PC audio" with monkey Island is the video that got me to hit subscribe. I actually used it as part of a presentation when I was in school. Got at least three "WOW!"'s from my teacher. So thaks for that 😅


The monthly grass stand session well done sir


39:00 - squirrel in the back! A follow up to my question you answered in this video: The DNF restoration project doesn't feature Jon St John, sadly, they hired some guy (Gianni Matragrano), others know him, but I've never heard of him before. I didn't know you had an Atomic Edition voice pack, downloading it now! (yes, it's bad, the mic is noisy :D ) http://legacy.duke4.net/download.php?view.73 You did Duke lines for some racing game where they had a Duke themed car :) Question1: do you see significant increase in views on older videos when you release a new video but it's tied to that old one? Question2: You always say that views and YT income doesn't matter to you (feels like you still can't believe you make a living by making videos). What would happen if it all dried up? What kind of job you'd choose to do if you could no longer make YT videos?


I understand that setting up a booth at someone else's conference detracts from your time to create videos. However, have you ever contemplated hosting your own conference? The back-end profitability might be unclear - you could lose money, break even, or make a profit. Undoubtedly, it's an enormous amount of work and the complexities of organizing such an event can be overwhelming. However, consider the following benefits: You could tailor the conference to suit your unique vision, and it would provide an incredible platform to directly engage with your audience. This could lead to deeper connections and a richer understanding of your viewers' interests and feedback. Moreover, it would give you the opportunity to invite speakers or industry experts who align with your brand, adding value for attendees. Furthermore, hosting your own conference could elevate your brand's status within your industry and beyond. It can serve as an effective marketing tool, generating substantial attention and creating additional opportunities for networking and partnerships. I am certain there would be significant interest from your audience in attending such an event. With your unique and compelling content, I am sure you would draw in a large crowd. And please, for the comfort of all involved, ensure the main area's in-door temperature doesn't hit 85°F... SEGE could take a note from that!


Thanks for a fun outdoor update... squirrels and all! Some thoughts: 1. Sound card videos: do what you enjoy! I know you have to kinda be conscious about what makes a “good” video that will support you. If you like something and enjoy it, it comes through on the camera and I always enjoy videos where I know the person is really geeking out and having a ball. 2. VCFMW. I sincerely hope they find a larger venue, no matter what additional rooms they can claim, I don’t think it’ll be enough at the current place. It’s a good problem to outgrow the space, but I know you and other presenters/vendors were mobbed most of the day, and the tight quarters and hallways didn’t help. I’ll be there this year, I expect it to be even more packed than ever. :O Your videos of these events have been amazing, but even a simpler (less stressful) vlog style walk through of what you saw and enjoyed would be great. Heck, even if you’re outside on your patio (like in this video) and you talk about things with clips and photos, I think that type of casual approach to the event would be amazing. 3. For merch I was using TeeSpring (now Spring), but have recently switched to Fourthwall for my channel’s merch based on my friend Sean’s suggestion. They offer better quality options and their international shipping isn’t insane (like Teespring). You can set up a store, integrate into the YouTube "shelf" too. Just upload your images to products, and that’s it. They handle shipping and payments, etc. You also get a good selection of tools to facilitate discounts, promos, and giveaways. I’ve been very happy with them and haven’t had any issues from customers either. Their quality of items is great and I can highly recommend them.


Thank you for your thoughts, Steve! I haven’t looked into Fourthwall, I’ll have to give them a look. Be seeing you at VCFMW!


Aww, I liked the video on the Orpheus! The sound is my favorite aspects of retro computing and console gaming! On the subject of vtubers for your next patreon thing, What would your vtuber model look like?


So folks often ask me this in my line of work as a comic. Do you ever get propositioned by fans for........ahem....."dates"? In my case folks have asked me as a performer if I've ever gotten action from being on stage. And the answer is a resounding NOPE. Unless you're a bit famous on at least a national scale, it never happens. I've heard horror stories about YouTubers getting stalked after saying no or even for saying yes. Just was curious if that has ever happened to you since you really started building your fan base.

CubicleNate (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-18 15:22:17 I enjoy the retro-modern sound cards. They are interesting and I am VERY glad you made it. Y
2023-08-18 12:55:42 I enjoy the retro-modern sound cards. They are interesting and I am VERY glad you made it. "YouTube" used to just mean what ever YOU are into. 🤷

I enjoy the retro-modern sound cards. They are interesting and I am VERY glad you made it. "YouTube" used to just mean what ever YOU are into. 🤷