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Why is THIS the power symbol? [LGR Retrospective]

The power symbol has seemingly been around forever. But there's a distinct reason that it looks the way it does! There's also more than one power symbol, with each one meaning something different.



Now this is something I can really get into! Semiotics is an interesting subject.


Your voice + smooth jazz could make anything enjoyable! Great video as always.


Hey look at Mr. Money Bags with his Nintendo Switch and his ability to successfully pre-order!

Kris Asick

I remember feeling so proud of myself as a kid when I had that moment of clarity and realized what the power symbols were actually symbolizing without looking it up anywhere! :D


You've really topped yourself this time. As a graphic designer and tech junkie, this is the coolest. Do you have a link to the symbol guide in the video?


Also, I never noticed the power sign on the Gateway logo. I shouldn't be surprised; they had the best ads back in the day.


I now know something that most other people don't know. That's a good feeling. Thanks.


Great video. nice comparison to hieroglyphics. Some future society or aliens may look back at our technology and have to decipher the symbols!


Brilliant video, Clint. Learned something new! Keep 'em coming.


Which means that whoever came up with that symbol got it right. :)


This is why I'm a Patreon. :)


Here is one for you. In Swedish. We don't have the word Please. We just don't have an equivalent. The nearest is "Snälla" But that means more like "I beg of you". But i've often seen poorly translated software say "I beg of you, wait" or sometimes used the phase "Kindly, switch off your computer". So yeah. Symbols really do offer a 1000 words.

Evan B

Fascinating! It makes so much sense now, seeing the separated line and circle on PSU's.. Thanks for sharing


3:54 fuck handle with care, that piece of shit stands on every box and it is really nice to have even an extra symbol telling you it is fragile than the sucker opens up to a bunch of underwear. Yeah handle with care it might break. It is the most overused frase on cargo and the only effect it has is that someone will trhow it extra rough. So if it really breaks put allot of more stickers on it so we know.


I love design languages, especially when they're used in creative capacities. There was that "Semiotic Standard" language used in Alien for cargo and transport vessels <a href="http://i.imgur.com/0JpMBWt.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/0JpMBWt.jpg</a>


This leaves questions unanswered. Why did they pick that particular symbol? Who was its designer? Had it been in use on some things or was it totally new for the standard?


This is something I never thought of until this video. Standardization had to come from somewhere, and now I know... and knowing is half the battle!


Thank you! Here ya go: <a href="https://webstore.iec.ch/preview/info_iec60417_DB.pdf" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://webstore.iec.ch/preview/info_iec60417_DB.pdf</a>


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqAeXF4Pv0c" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqAeXF4Pv0c</a>


Once again an awesome video! Very enjoyable and educational indeed.


Hey Clint, did you ever get Combat Medic: Special Operations running? Was watching some of your old stuff and remembered this on your 17 worst PC games.