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The name's Bond, J. Bond.

Got a simpler video this week! Taking a look at this J. Bond 386 PC, a system that I bought years ago for a whopping 99 cents. I never did make the video I planned to back then but in hindsight I'm glad I didn't. You don't find deals on vintage PCs like this anymore, unfortunately.

Also unfortunate is that this is another week where all my plans kinda fell apart. Ended up taking an impromptu trip out of town for the weekend, which postponed any productivity. So once I was back home on Monday I scrambled to come up with a video I could actually finish for Friday, and this was the result. Hence the uh, scattered rambly nature of the commentary.

This also turned into a bit of a headache to upload, no idea why. Since yesterday YouTube has been throwing errors at me I've never seen, things like "Processing Abandoned" where it simply refuses to process the video. Eventually after four attempts it finally accepted a video file that it liked. Now I'm trying to upload the final 4K version to go public tomorrow and it's been stuck processing for an hour now, so... who knows, wish me luck.

Hopefully this next week will be a better one, we'll see. Thank you for your support, it is truly appreciated!


Bond 386_edit4 for patrons




Thanks for the upload, Clint! Hope all is well in your personal life.


Just goto wait for the high-def to process, don't wanna waste a LGR video on 360p!


This one is fully processed at 1440p already, it's just the 4K version for tomorrow that's still processing.

Alyxx the Rat

Playing Doom on a 386 sure is an experience lmao

Jason Wellband

Memories.. .X-Tree, ansi.sys and changing colors with escape sequences, and that god awful Office toolbar. And I honestly laughed out loud at bond, james fart.


StampDoom was a thing back then and my first computer, just 7 MHz more than this machine, didn't fare much better. ^^'

Jim Hooke

I hope all is well. YT Studio has been spitting errors "you must be authorized" when I've tried to reply to messages over a day or so.

Headset Guy

Looking up the FCC ID, it looks like J Bond Computer Systems Corporation filed their EAS for this model in September of 1991, and it was granted in October of the same year.


Cracked up reading the opening lines of the description for this video in the Clint narrator voice. Great video! I love that you cover such an overlooked era in loving detail.


I wish I would have started collecting computers a long time ago. Then again, I am glad I started when dumpster diving was still possible. Because now it's impossible.


Blood for the Blood God

Shane Baker

fruit of the loom cornucopia confirmed?

Evan B

speaking of 386's .. I just found my childhood 386 motherboard in my basement .. seems to be a Taiwanese board YANG AN YA-1 9151 E114139 94V-0 ... i found a handful of metions of it, but not *quite* my board.. Any suggestions on the best place to look/ask for specs on something like that? vogons? vcfed ?