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Fresh Oddware! And it’s another unusual 5.25” drive bay thing because these things are seemingly endless. This one in particular has been on my want-to-review list for years and I’m stoked to finally get to it.

The Musketeer 3 is a vacuum tube audio filter thing, intended to add “warmth” to your PC’s sound card output. Or something like that, probably. In the end who cares, it also has a VU meter and just looks neat!

And that’s the last video for April. Taking a few days off to visit family so no episode next week, but I’ll be back with something fun in May! Along with the next Wrap Up video for $5+ patrons soon. Have a good one and thanks for your support!


Musketeer 3 for patrons

an LGR thing.



So the tube doesn't "light up"? No light = no "boiling" electrons = no tube operation: so it's not actually using it at all? And then there's a single tube for stereo: a mono-signal channel for stereo? Seems like absolute 100% scam garbage. I'd love to see the schematic for this. Edit: Skoddie points out that this is a low-voltage dual-channel tube, so it *could* be actually working as intended.

Matthew Taylor

Came to say that same thing once I heard that. Should be "something" at least going on in there. And it was "Vacuum Tube Ready" so never was a tube powered device.

Valora Inverse

Don't do shit it was advertised to, but makes cool demon noises and looks neat, so technical net gain??? Maybe?

Alyxx the Rat

Yeah I saw you teased this on Twitter. This is gonna be interesting!


Low voltage tubes don’t get hot enough to glow during operation & this is a dual channel tube that can process a stereo signal. Waaaaay more interesting is that this thing is acting as an antenna for all of the high frequency signals in the machine, and they didn’t add a decoupling load or filter to it to compensate. Or like…shield it……. Huzzahhhh

Alyxx the Rat

I honestly couldn't tell the difference between the audio on the tube and without it. It is EXTREMELY subtle and I am a professional music producer so... take that for whatever it's worth.


Today I learned uninformed "audiophiles" being ripped off by PC component manufaturers is a lot older practice than I previously thought :D.


I miss the front bays you could install cool things into. Modern computers looks nice but, it's just fans with lights in front. Anyway, I love your studio setup now and the color grading. Such good quality and so esthetically pleasing. You look great on camera :)


Thanks: I stand corrected. This is only 99% scam garbage ;)


Waiting for someone to mod it into a horror game ti generate demon noises for twitch donations.


I miss the ol' towers of power that had like 5+ 5 and a quarter inch drive bays for putting all this fun and ridiculous stuff into.


Thanks for the kind words on the setup, I'm really happy with it at the moment! And I hope you enjoy the coming drive bay project I have in the works. Imagine twelve 5.25" bays completely full of odd things installed. It's going to be quite the sight.

Jason Wellband

When you booted up the PC for the first time, I legit asked "did that thing just fart???"

Jason Wellband

It sounded like the highs were more emphasized, just this side of harsh. Of course, Youtube compression and my speakers are a factor.


Interesting! Quite opposite for me, the highs sounded less crisp and more dulled, especially with headphones.

Jason Wellband

Very well could be the youtube audio codec and my listening environment (several network switches in my office that have fans running constantly). I watch on PC with the audio going into a Pioneer amp and ho-hum bookshelf speakers that sound good enough for me - so definitely not an audiophile here either :)

Cyrus Nemati

I love 5 1/4" Oddware. <3 Awesome episode. I only wished you'd had some nice candles and classic works of literature as set dressing in a dim room. That was Coolermaster's demographic, right?


Is there a CoolerMaster case from that time that would match the aesthetic? Maybe a Praetorian or Centurion? Admittedly though, that could open a rabbit hole searching for other matching CoolerMaster drive modules and maybe even drives themselves?


Wow, I never knew of a motherboard that shipped with a vacuum tube. That is gnarly.


I agree, on aesthetic alone, this is a winner! I sometimes think Audiophiles are the smartest yet most gullible tech enthusiasts out there. There are SO many gimmicks in that target audience.