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Greetings, $5+ patrons! The channel wrap up/Q&A video for February is complete and ready to enjoy at your convenience. It was an unexpectedly busy and abnormal month (in a good way!) so there's a little more covered than usual before we get to the questions. Fun tiiiiiimes.

As always, leave any questions for next month's video in the Patreon comment section below this post. Have a magnificent March, and as always allow me to give a substantial 'thank you' for your ongoing support :)


LGR Wrap Up - February 2023




i'm working on my first 98/xp dual boot system to play games i miss from when i was younger. the only spare monitor i have is a 1080p lcd. do you recommend getting a crt? if so, what do you suggest and do you know anywhere in the area (western nc / upstate sc) that sells them? ebay seems insanely priced (which i wouldnt mind so much if i knew the postal service wouldnt destroy it. i'm not seeing anything local when i look myself, maybe i'm looking in the wrong places? if you have any suggestions of where/what to buy please shoot me a message on patreon thanks!


Hello. Just curious if you've ever been approached by businesses in your local community like game stores, arcades, etc to appear in advertising or making appearances for local events. Just thinking that since with you having the fan base that you've got, you'd get offers out the whazzoo for deals and such. I can't help but imagine ya doing a commercial for a local business there in return for a gift card for a restaurant. 😂 "Come to such and such games" then you head to B-Dubs or Olive Garden for a feast.