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Greetings, $5+ patrons! The channel wrap up/Q&A video for January is here and ready to enjoy at your convenience. Some interesting stuff's been happening, sort of, so let's discuss!

As always, leave any questions for next month's video in the Patreon comment section below this post. Have a pleasant February and as always a huge thank you for your ongoing support :)


LGR Wrap Up - January 2023




There was this guy that would come around and ask to mow our lawn or shovel the snow for $5. Against my wishes, my mom decided to invite him to live in our unused bedroom. He lasted about 3 weeks, when I noticed stuff going missing and found small pieces of foil in the bathroom garbage. Mom's reasoning was that "He could be the second coming of Christ."


Shame you won't have time to do something with 8-BitGuy.


So I taught video game history at a small private collage for nearly a decade, a class I created from scratch because (to my knowledge) no one was doing this back in 2002. I thought no one would give a crap, but shockingly my students loved the material and some still contact me about the class 20 years later! There’s a lot of desire to see our “roots” and where we came from even from the 18 year olds today, I bet it will be an incredible experience, so congrats!


There are a couple of Stewart Cheifet interviews on YouTube where he talks about the decision to put Computer Chronicles in the public domain. Interestingly, he was never paid for his services as host. Also, Clint, you mention smoked salmon and Chicago, may I recommend Calumet Fisheries on 95th st. for that purpose.

John Bailey

I'm sure I'm late to the party asking this, but have you seen dosdude1's new native IDE SSD? It seems like it could be a much better solution than SD or CF cards in a lot of projects.


Do you watch much YouTube content? I've been binging all of Bright Sun Film's Abandoned and Bankrupt series. It sounds like something you might enjoy.


Binaural is hard! And something I know a lot about. I worked on a show where we wired all 1000 audience members a show in to a wired headphone system with a Neumann KU100 on stage amongst other sources. It worked for the most part but part of binaural working properly is removing as many variables from the original source to your ear as possible, so no EQ, no processing, no compression (hey, Youtube!)... You get my lead.. Then you have the variables between microphones to worry about, they need to be matched perfectly and flat. then the pre amps need to be matched and flat, then the transmission system needs to be flat... and so on. We ran on Broadway for a bit and won a tony award for the sound design thereafter so we did something right I guess. It's cool to play with but even with a $9,000 KU100 and a significant figure on cable and headphones and time to make it all work, the shape of people's heads made the system's effect work differently from person to person. It's all down to psychoacoustics and arrival times to the ear, shape of ear and the relationship between that and the transducer.. and the variable of the lump of meat between each ear drum person to person, which is fairly significant. The show was called "The Encounter" if you're interested from the same people who designed Harry Potter's theatrical audio... Which is far more fun, with far less cable!


Thanks for these wrap-up videos. It's a nice peek behind the scenes of a very, VERY interesting YouTube channel. I wish you many more years of success. I also hope to see you again at VCFMW. I'd like to actually hang out for a significant period of time because there is just so much to learn there. I do have a question for you. If we were headed into a "digital apocalypse" and could only bring ONE vintage tech item (plus accessories, don't have to get too into the weeds on that one) what would it be? A Commodore 64? Woodgrain 486? This is meant to be fun, not doomsday prepping. :)


Have you ever considered creating on a different platform (ex Nebula)?


not a question but similar thoughts here with boomer shooters. i absolutely love the genre and play tons of them (including demos and early access) but hate the name that i wanna guess came from early gen z memes acting like anything over 25 was boomer or something like that on twitch.tv too but it was always just a joke thing. or maybe something with shotgun and the "that's my boomstick" line. personally i just call them new retro shooters or new 90s shooters or something like that. or amusingly i think one of the lead guys from poland behind "Postal Brain Damaged" called it a boomy shooty


Question - what piece of current technology can you see becoming wholly obsolete in about 5-10 years from now? (I'm thinking about how thrift stores are filled with old ipod docks, camera photo printers and digital frames) thank-you from a long time fan :D


Thoughts on the Cyber Truck?