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LGR - Thrifts [Ep.31] Wintry Wins!

Join me as I go out thrifting, in search of games and interesting goods at various discount shops! Didn't expect to start back up so soon, but hey, who am I to look a thrift horse in the mouth.


Lindsay Michelle

Wow, you found a lot of stuff in a short amount of time, it seems! ...Did you get any weird looks when you were brushing the lucky rock? lol. And I'm guessing when it snows in NC, everything shuts down after a few flurries... while here in Michigan we just dig ourselves out of a foot of snow and just go about business as usual. :P


I guess brushing the rock worked well. I wonder if a few more would have bent reality to make the Odyssey affordable :) But it seems like some fortuitous luck in general, both with the Koala Pad & the Midi interface :)


finally my favorite series :D

Justin Dotson

I'm surprised you haven't dug up that rock and made a monolith shrine of it in your front yard. And every time you approached it the Space Odyssey soundtrack started playing.


Yeah, I was quite happy to find these things in an otherwise lackluster month! That Odyssey was gone the very next day too, so I guess someone found the price reasonable.


I'm sure I get weird look all sorts of times while making these episodes, but I don't care enough to look around and take note ;)


Another great Thrifts Episode Clint!!


As I watched the intro part to this I was wondering if you ever film yourself by taking the HD glasses off and holding them in your hand pointed at yourself?


I hope you keep doing these! I love them! Something about them just stimulates the pleasure centre of my brain and keeps me watching till the very end!


My favorite part of the "SIMULATED ROSEWOOD FINISH" sticker is that it was still on the radio 40ish years later. Like, I'd buy that radio *just* because it has that sticker. I have a Mark from Classic Game Room love for wood grained stuff.


My reaction seeing the boxed Odyssey: :D~~~ My reaction hearing the price: DX That Blue Village store is huuugggeee. Nice to see them have items you don't see in other thrift places. Big console TVs. Giant record machines that double as long tables. Appliances galore. Is good stuff. Also, I'm slightly amused that something I found 2 days ago (Bards Tale, 7th Quest) already made it to the video. XD


When all the VHS tapes are in the dump they'll become artifacts!


I have that Ion Tape2PC device and it works well for my purposes, that is digitizing service casettes to cds. It works perfectly with Audacity. If you ever see it again, grab it! You could digitize your old game casettes to you PC!


Thing is, I have several much higher-quality cassette decks and a bunch of USB interfaces for audio already. If I ever wanted to digitize anything, I've got much better ways to do it! It's just the all-in-one convenience that's tempting :)

Kris Asick

Oh wow... I'm almost positive that's the same kind of answering machine my father had back in the 80s! :o


I saw the floppy edition of Nascar a few days ago in a shop and was like nah. Ill have to check back!


Really good episode this time! I laughed a lot!




Wow, I would have traded you a CRT for that American Trivia Challenge box! :P