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Greetings, $5+ patrons! The channel wrap up/Q&A video for December is here and ready to enjoy at your convenience. Happy 2023!

As always, leave any questions for next month's video in the Patreon comment section below this post. Have a pleasant January and thanks for your ongoing support into the new year :)


LGR Wrap Up - December 2022




Question: How do you do the avoid content id dance with your videos? Do you upload a test version first to see if something gets I'd:d?

Gareth P

Enjoyed the wrap up, and the natural light changes worked really well for me as I'm in a darkened room with a pretty bright monitor so the light in my room changed right along with yours! I wondered if you've ever had any interest in using a home-made smoker or anything for meats? Looks like you've got some awesome outdoor space!


Here's a couple burner questions in case you don't get enough, feel free not to answer them all - I'm sure some have been asked already. What 90s PC game deserves a remake or a sequel? What's your opinion on the boomer shooter genre? How's your Intel ARC and do you plan on getting a 40 series or 7000 series?

DFawlt Uzr

I recently moved to the south and I'm pleasantly blown away by assortment of pickled foods available. Do you have any personal favorites that you would recommend? I also love that I can now get giant tubs of Duke's mayo for $5 instead of a tiny jar for the same price at Amazon. My gosh I love it here.


Question: I remember you saying that you and your brother might work together on more projects in the future. Are there any news on those?


Question: If you found a time machine, and were given the chance to go back to any point in your life in the last 10 years, and change one thing, what would it be? I'm speaking more to career moves mostly as your personal life is none of our business.

Tim J

Question: What's your opinion on the comic MarmaDUKE- just kidding, just kidding. Real Question: Your video on the NEC PC-FXGA is one of my favorites of the past few years (love that dragonfly animation), and I was wondering if you ever had the chance to go back and get any homebrew working.


Question: Do you have any toughbooks in your collection, or just any supposedly ultra durable laptops? Might make an interesting tech tales or LGR video. You could do some faux camping and use the laptop in the rain or something.


Question: what’s the current status of the Pyramid PC?


Question: I have so much fond childhood memories of the PSX game Fighting Force published by Eidos. Have you ever played that game and are you willing to review it?