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Now that holiday things have settled down a bit, I just wanted to say that I hope you had a nice Christmas -- or any other event you may or may not be involved with this time of year :)

2017 is barelling towards us and whether or not it treats humanity any better than 2016 did, it's always exciting to look forward to a "fresh" start and look back. I think that 2016 was the best year of LGR so far, and that has absolutely been made possible with your support on Patreon and so many other places online. Not to mention the morale boost of getting to meet quite a few of you in person at events like PRGE this year!

So once again, thank you. Truly. And I hope to make 2017 even better.

In the interest of keeping the quality rising and the videos coming, I've used this month's Patreon money to purchase some new equipment! First up is a new video camera, the Sony FDR-AX53, which is a 4K camera that comes highly recommended by several of my colleagues. It'll hopefully be a great addition to my existing cameras and should aid in the quality of LGR episodes when it's appropriate. I won't always upload videos in 4K since there are limitations there, but the AX53 will also help in terms of making my normal 1080p-60fps content sharper and easier to edit as well. I've also got some sweet StudioPRO S-600B color temp-adjustable LED lighting kits on the way, which again should help in terms of improving my own productivity and the end video quality results!

All in all, these are exciting times for me personally, and once again
THANK YOU. This is my dream job, and to think I get to go into another year of this with some new kit and amazing supporters like you is just awesomely encouraging. Now, if I can just get over this flu I have right now and get back to work, haha.

Best Regards,




You deserve it. Very glad to be able to support you. You always provide enjoyable content.


Happy New Year to you too Clint! Your hard work pays off and we support you all the way.


You were the first person I ever supported here on Patreon, and although I had to reduce my patronage a while back, you bet your ass that I'll continue to chip in what I can as long as your Patreon page exists. :)

Lindsay Michelle

I'm glad you were able to upgrade your equipment for the show, especially because it was from Patreon support! And I hope you feel better soon! I don't have the flu but I am still tired from Christmas socializing and will need to get ready for my new years party this coming weekend at some point, haha. Wishing you the best for 2017! :)


Thanks Clint, all the best to you and yours this season! Looking forward to another year of wonderful and informational content.


4K!!! Good thing I treated myself to a new 4k display this christmas :-)


Thanks for all the hard work and great videos. It's always a treat when I'm notified that you uploaded a new video. Feel better soon!


Happy 2017 Clint, Patrons. Lets hope for more retro gaming goodness (and an updated port of Blood/Exhumed!). Hope you also bought enough bubble gum. You mustn't run out.

Jim Leonard

Happy to support you, Clint. If you want to steal^H^H^H^H^Hhave some more games next time you're in my area, drop me a line.

Alyxx the Rat

Cherry mistmas and happy new year to my favourite YouTuber. I seriously enjoy ALL the content you release and I'm very proud to be your patreon.