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Here's your $5+ Patron Wrap Up video for October '22! Not as many questions came in last month, but that's fine. Feel free to leave anything in the comments below you'd like answered next time. Have a good one, and thanks so much for your ongoing support!



an LGR thing.



I enjoyed your video on the star dot matrix printer a while back. Do you keep any vintage inkjet printers or plotters in your collection? I love my two apple StyleWriter 24/2500s, they're slow and the printouts are pretty dated looking, but it's somehow less hassle to use than any modern inkjet I've used with no ink management nonsense getting in the way. Last cart I plugged in printed with vibrant colours from the first print

Jim Leonard

What kind of videos do you wish other youtubers (either in your subject areas, or not) would make, or make more of? What subject have you been dying to see that nobody has yet tackled?


I have bought an Apple CSW 2500 from eBay since it originally was the first printer i had for my own. Getting good color cartridges is a problem, though (at least in Germany). The photo-cartridge is seemingly the best for NOS as it does not clog up as easily. Refilling is easy as well. I cannot get the CSW to work with modern MacOS, though since the serial->USB adapter has no modern OSX-drivers and Gutenprint has no support for it. Im currently using a Mac Mini G4 for the interfacing.


The mood lighting is kinda nice. The window needs 70s or 80s style curtains, though :-) I think your stuff is very good and i especially like that you often try to paint a picture of the time the things were used. Having a fitting environment will have a big effect for the visuals, im sure. In my opinion you cold do more in-scene talking as into or something. Showing a catalog, Ad or something. Some would call it padding but i really like to be introduced to the current 'thing' with a bit of sitting in a nice chair talking about personal experience. It makes it more easy to 'slide' into the fitting mood. My personal viewing habits are mostly separated into two categories: <30min for casual on-the-fly viewing and >30min for evening viewing with something to eat and drink.

Gareth P

Enjoyed the update, and great to hear you're back to enjoying making videos again - they certainly all looked great! You'll probably get a load of questions this time but anyway here's mine - I've recently found a roll of posters I had on my wall in my late teens / early 20s (mainly music related) and wondered what (if anything) you had up on your walls at that age? Also will anything adorn the walls of the retro room once you have the woodgrain panelling done? Also just on the longer videos you were talking about, would you ever see it as an option to "store up" blerbs so that you could put them out on the main channel and buy yourself two or even three weeks to do a bigger project? Probably wouldn't really work but just something that came to mind when you were talking about it.


Maybe you could take an old server case with a bunch of 5.25" bays and jam every stupid audio-related thing into it, so you'd have a full "hi-fi" stack in a PC?


I tend to use saved searches on eBay for that. I've used some canon photo cartridges which are an all in one head and tank, they're OK. The apple branded head and tank combination are probably the best for colour vibrancy though. I've not had any luck getting it working with anything newer than OS 9 either unfortunately, although I do most of my work in OS 8 and system 7 so that's not much of a concern for me


As a fellow 70s living room aesthetic aficionado, that chair is great


Being a Texan, I have to say Texas BBQ is much better than Carolina BBQ (west or east). If you're ever in a Texas BBQ place, I don't care how good everything else is, if their brisket sucks, it's not good TX BBQ. Fun story: When I was in high school, I went to a boarding school in Arden, NC. One night, for dinner, we had bbq ribs. Me coming from Texas, my expectations were big beef ribs. I got to the ribs in the food line, looked at these tiny pork ribs and said "What's that?!" "Those are the ribs!" "No they're not. That's not bbq ribs!" To this day, that's how I feel about Carolina BBQ. Decent but disappointing.


I never had that style of BBQ ribs until visiting Texas. It's not the biggest thing here. The Carolina Cue referred to is all pulled pork. Much finer than chopped beef, just big beautiful piles of melt-in-your-mouth shredded meat! Eaten on its own or sometimes on a sandwich. The pulled pork I've had in Texas was quite disappointing by comparison. Brisket on the other hand... Yeah Texas wins every time.


If you ever come down to Austin, I'll treat you to Rudy's BBQ. Best chopped beef, brisket, sausage, cream corn, beans and potato salad. Also, Rudy's sauce is famous. I sent Neil from RMC a bottle for Christmas one year. He did a taste test on a mail call video and the kick from the sauce caused him to have a coughing fit. Later in the video, it came back to cause another one lol. It's GOOD sauce!


Man that'd be excellent. Likewise if you're ever near Swannanoa then we've gotta hit up Okie Dokies. Top notch pulled pork and fried pickles, and some damn fine sauces to boot :)


Well...I do want to make it up to the Asheville area for my 20 yr high school reunion/alumni weekend, so maybe then! Also, I found the clip from Neil's video. https://youtu.be/0boDQoJdans?t=1621 start at the 27 minute mark and go to about the 33 minute mark. There's also (and this may be a Mandela effect thing), I swear, a Rudy's commercial with Nolan Ryan doing a parody of the old Mean Joe Coca-Cola commercial, but instead chugs a bottle of Rudy's sauce. I've never been able to find it online lol


I was reminded that Fallout 76 existed recently and remembered all of the videos covering the launch, including yours. Have you gone back to it at all anytime in the last 2 years?


What is your favorite 'modern tech' that enables 'retro tech'? Examples: Kinds of emulation, hardware simulation, new boards/PCBs for old hardware, new software developed for old hardware.


I ALSO wish you had the freedom to dedicate a large amount of time to a single huge video. Think how amazing that would be! A NoClip video in the LGR style... I'll repeat a question from before: With more of your filming moving to your new house, what are some of the things you do to still keep work and life separate?


What's more nostalgic: shag carpeting or hideous linoleum? haha


Hey Clint! Are you excited about the System Shock remake? I've been playing the original here and there on a 95 machine I recently built and love the sound design