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LGR - Cities: Skylines Natural Disasters Review

Taking a look at the third expansion pack to Cities Skylines! How disastrous are the disasters and is it worth the asking price? Find out in this overview of the pack!


Justin Dotson

Be the best noodle you can be. That's today's lesson.

Kris Asick

I'm in the camp of never enjoying disasters in any city building games so yeah, this isn't an expansion I would be interested in. But, that said, they do look extremely well polished. :B


I miss the days of SimCity 4, where I could take control of a tank or jet and wreak my own havoc on the populace. Thanks for this review!

Lindsay Michelle

That is a pretty cool opening graphic to the game with all that epic destruction... and then I felt bad for thinking that after you mentioned the real-life natural disasters going on as of late. :( But on the bright side, the radio stations sound awesome to me, too! Reminds me of the Grand Theft Auto radio stations with their great music and hilarious satire. :)


What I like most about this is that it's really a classic type of expansion. It's a package of game content that is 'extra', and you won't feel that your game lacks anything if you don't buy it, the main game is still solid. There's nothing here that necessarily should have been in the base game. Compare that to for example the Sims, which is almost reliant on expansions. It takes a lot of courage to make an expansion pack like this, that probably has a smaller audience than the base game (but may also potentially attract new customers). And don't forget they provide some of the new stuff in the form of patches to everyone! I have a lot of sympathy for these developers and I hope that more will follow in their footsteps.


Very much in the vein of GTA radio stations. Or even older, the Maxis game radio stations from SimCopter and Streets of SimCity, which is probably what they were going for!


Oh yeah, it's a classic kind of expansion indeed. Extra shiny things and challenges, but nothing you're going to feel unnecessarily left out of! And yep, I mentioned the free patch content in the review, I'm so glad they do that


Heh, well you're welcome! And yeah, it really shocked me when I saw skyscrapers being felled left and right in this pack, it went against everything I knew!