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So this isn't done yet. Despite working on it daily for 8 days, it's currently about 98% there! But at this point I've been looking at all this footage for long enough that I needed to take a step back and take in the whole thing as a whole thing, so to speak. And why not let y'all in on that, right?

The main thing I have left to record is the intro, which won't be very long. I just haven't gotten around to it yet. And the rest is pretty much a pile of color correction, exposure adjustments, and white balancing. Plus the usual minor edits and line re-recordings that I'm sure I'll make over the next 24 hours.

I was hoping to have this done in time to have it posted publicly tomorrow, buuuuut nope! 300GB of footage shot by two people over the course of 8 days, all from different cameras and settings... yeah, it's a smorgasbord of small adjustments and nitpicky edits that add up quickly. Plus I keep finding things to say as I (re)discover various items I saw at the show, ha.

Hope you enjoy despite its slightly incomplete nature! I should have the final edit done tomorrow sometime, so I think I'll post the public version Saturday if all goes well.


VCFMW 2022 early patron edit

an LGR thing.



Hope alls going well with your new house and all.


Saw a Coleco ADAM on one of the tables. My first computer. It ran a form of BASIC, so it counts. Sort of.