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LGR - Crazy Taxi - PC Game Review

This is one of those timeless arcade classics, and yes, it had a PC release back in 2002. Shame that this version wasn't very well-optimized but YA YA YA YA YA!


Lindsay Michelle

Wow... I feel like I haven't commented in forever. Sorry about that! :( October was like, pure chaos for me, but now it's settled down, and I hope I won't leave for so long again! Crazy Taxi is probably one of my favorite TOTALLY RADICAL games with that undeniable 90's feel to it (the other one being Jet Set Radio). Too bad the PC port of Crazy Taxi was disappointing!


ALL RIGHT! LET'S GO MAKE SOME CRRRAZZZZY MONEY!! This game was MY jam when I had the Dreamcast. Was the perfect game to pick up and play to waste a few minutes... or a couple of hours in my case. I remember one session where I was able to keep a session going for 45 minutes straight. Which was bad for my hand as my index finger was completely sore from pressing the trigger button like a madman on the DC controller. Shame that the PC version isn't up to par. Not only for the controls, but for the performance. This is a game where you need every frame to become a Crazy Taxi god. Even a small dip will cause problems that will screw up your timing. And the alternate soundtrack.... NOPE! If it's not Offspring/Bad Religion, I'm not interested. (And I don't even like those bands to begin with... but in this game, it fits) On an aside note, the performance issues seem to be similar with almost all the Dreamcast games that have hit PC. I don't know what it is with the Dreamcast hardware that's so difficult to emulate but all the Dreamcast ports don't seem to run quite as smoothly on the PC, whether it be framerate hitches, poor resolution options, or bugs/glitches that weren't even on the original versions. Which makes me sad. The Dreamcast games are something worth playing and it seems the only accurate way of playing them is to get the system and the games itself. (Which that is becoming harder and harder nowadays, as someone who has gotten back to recollecting DC games)


Same experiences with me, and it also applies to lots of other Sega arcade conversions like House of the Dead and Virtua Cop. From what I gather, even the newer Dreamcast games that made it over to PC are actually based on Xbox 360 versions of Dreamcast ports. So who knows what kinda code mess is going on there.


I loved this game as a kid. It's what convinced my parents to get us a Dreamcast. I honestly had no idea this was on PC, too.


Only had this on Dreamcast and it ran like a Dream!


Yep, I showed the Dreamcast playing it in the episode! Makes sense that it ran so nicely though, since the DC was the same basic hardware as the Naomi arcade.


Not many people did realize! Especially since it didn't come along until 2002, after the Dreamcast was on its dying breath.


What a great game! Played it a lot in the arcade. That version didn't have a seat though, weirdly enough it didn't take much from the experience IMO. Guess I'm gonna resurrect my DC and GET SOME CRAZY MONEY!


Massive Dreamcast fan, so massive fan of this :)


This is probably the game I have spent the most time on... EVER! really really great stuff


Too bad coders didn't come up with some kind of unofficial patch to make it play and/or look better now-a-days.


There was an extremely similar game to this but with the Simpsons… Anyone know what It was called? It was probably on both the PS2 and Xbox but I believe I had the xbox version.


So no mods to tweak this bad boy?