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Greetings, all! I'm currently on the way to exhibit at the VCF Midwest show in Illinois and, naturally, prepwork for that took up most of my time this past week. But I still wanted to get a quickly-made video out and this bit of silliness is what resulted.

Just taking a look at two 5.25-inch drive bay add-ons from the 1990s, which purports to convert your computer case into a stereo speaker system. Complete with subwoofer! Technically, I guess. Ha. Although I don't know what I expected, results still weren't quiiite what I expected. Either way I'm a sucker for these dumb drive bay peripherals and I hope you enjoy this brief look at two of them.

Right, so! I'll be driving back home in another week since my brother and I are spending time exploring Chicago after the event, so there's no LGR next week. We'll be filming all along the way though so expect videos about the trip in the future. If you're in the Elmhurst area this weekend, do feel free to stop by the LGR Things table and say hi!

Oh and I hope to record the next LGR Wrap Up video for $5+ patrons soon too, so those of you on that tier can expect that within the coming week if all goes well.

Have a nice couple of weeks! And to those of you attending VCFMW: see ya soon :)


5.25-inch Drive Bay Speakers for patrons

an LGR thing.



How would one acquire some of the promo items you mentioned without attending the festival? Case badges in particular? Lmk cost and where to purchase if that is an option. Good luck in Chicago.


That specific set of LGR merch was only available at this year's show, and the majority of it sold out. I don't sell things online, at least not at the moment.


Hey man, I am a long long time fan. Been watching you and your content for well over 10 years. Can I just say my favorites are the tech tales and I would really like to see if you could, “how stuff works” like how floppy disks worked, or how hard drives work…. I think you would do really well with that, and it would make great content. Love what you do brother, keep it up! And. Congrats on where you have come from where you started, truly impressive.