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Lemme know if y'all can use an audio-only version of this! I'm not exactly sure well how that works though, as the only option I see is to make "audio only" posts on Patreon app, which doesn't seem ideal.


LGR Wrap Up July 2022

an LGR thing.



I'm not going to VCF so don't listen to me, but you should just have a table with PC connected to like 10 different stupid mice running MS Paint and let people battle it out. And yes Mindstorms was all about the programming via a PC/Mac. IIRC you transferred the programs you made via IR. There was an extremely 90s GUI drag and drop programming environment that looked like LabVIEW but in high school when I got to play with them we used a third party system called NQC so you could just write code. Super super fun. Would make a great video since it's all so visual with making physical things move vis computer. We built a robot that would make a map of a room using the Roomba method of randomly bouncing around and logging the coordinates (and then I wrote a REALBasic program that would interpret the logs) I also loved capsela, had totally forgotten about it


I might come out to the show in Elmhurst this year, it’d definitely be cool to see that monitor.


I wanted to mention that I really enjoyed seeing you on the Friendship Onion, that was a blast. I thought you did very well with their strange questions and random tangents they go on - certainly that had to be a little nerve-wracking. I know interviews aren’t a part of LGR’s format and I think you’ve even addressed that in the past, but are there any other game or media celebrities that you’d like to be interviewed by/interview for yourself? And a bonus question: new kitchen, when can we see the return of LGR Foods?


did you get a chance to try the aberlour scotch?


You should make a podcast with a bunch of retro youtube, like once a week just an unedited hour long podcast for patrons. Or like make a separate youtube channel for it to split revenue easier. Just a suggestion.


Yo Clint! I just want you to know that you’re the fucking man and your videos are vital to me. Also, NIN is my favorite band so seeing you rock the Pretty Hate Machine shirt is awesome. I don’t have anything constructive to say other than thank you for being an interesting and calming voice in the storm of bullshit.

DFawlt Uzr

I've never had or seen Duke's mayonnaise before and growing up I was told "Best Foods or nothing" by the adults around me. Other than sharing the name with a certain video game character voiced by Jon St. John, what makes Duke's mayo so good?

Gareth P

Thought about the buggy/shopping cart/trolley question today at my local supermarket when I saw at least three left in random places where people had parked because they couldn't be bothered to return them to the trolley parks. Gits. Worse was when we had a storm in the UK earlier in the year, I came out of the shop to see a trolley that someone had not bothered to return correctly was being pushed by the wind towards my car whereupon it connected and left a hefty scratch. What the fudge is wrong with people?


Question: Don't want to be a downer but I have to think about stuff like this from time to time. I'm 1 year older than you and I have a lot of physical video games and consoles in my posession, not as much as you, but still a lot. Have you ever thought about what will happen to the stuff you collected when you die? Do you have a will? Do you have someone in mind to handle your stuff as you don't have a spouse? I was thinking about writing a will in case anything happens to me and leave all the stuff to someone who I know I can trust not to sell for dimes and nickels to scalpers. Cheers!


I am shocked you actually answered my "how" question 😁


Howdy Clint, do you have an cable management advice? I’ve gotten better at not having a spaghetti nightmare behind my computer and TV set ups but I’m always interested to hear what others do


I work in a grocery store, there’s a lot wrong with people haha


Question: Do you have any thoughts/experiences with the Jane's PC games from the late 90s? I was really into flight sims back then after buying my first pc after high school, a dreaded Compaq Presario 4160 with a 150MHz Pentium and a Compaq 1525 15" monitor that felt like it weighed as much as a Honda Civic. I had all the Jane's games at one point with the WWII fighters being my favorite because of being a history nerd. Enjoying being a new Patreon, keep up the great videos.