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I am still just in awe of the selection presented to me here...


LGR - My Best Retro PC Game Haul? Maybe!

Uploaded by Lazy Game Reviews on 2016-10-08.



@Wilderness: Look they had DLCs back in the 80s


Clint I think you had one MAJOR nerdgasm going through all that.


Welp, time for a bigger house. Again. :P


This was fantastic! How do you feel about all the little surprises and tokens of love for the game left over by previous owners? Those are some of my favorite things - thinking about what they may have been thinking when they took those notes or wrote something down, descrambling their shorthand etc. I'd love to see an episode about little mementoes like that and strange things you've found in thrifted or donated boxes.


Damn. That was a heck of a haul. Hoping some of those early ones can be read out okay - plenty there I'd never even heard of (Planet's Edge for example). Looking forward to seeing which ever ones you get around to covering - no matter whenever it happens :D


Great googly moogly, look at all them games! O_O

Justin Dotson

Never leave home without your microscopic space fleet. I absolutely adore the Hitchhiker's Guide books. I got a kitten recently and I ended up naming her Zem after the affable, yet quite staggeringly stupid, swamp dwelling mattress.


Wonder what you own for the Ultima series. How many of the games do you have in their original non re-release boxes?


I'm so freaking jealous right now. Why can't random people send me boxes of games like this? :D


I'm amazed by that copy of Y's I coming up while I'm in the middle of playing another Falcom game on my vita. This stuff is all just so cool.


Oh dang! I just remembered that I have a Dragon Wars poster with that artwork on it. I had completely forgotten about it. I should dig it out.


I would hate the responsibility of taking care of these pristine archives! The collection went to the right person. :)


At this point, I'm missing 1 and 2 in their original release boxes, and some of the later games like 9 and Online. Here's a pic of how it was before I added Exodus: <a href="https://i.imgur.com/4giEuxW.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/4giEuxW.jpg</a>


Those are some of my favorite things as well. Shows how much people got into them, how engaging each game was!


Ys is one of those I'd pretty much just given up on finding a copy of for the PC. Super awesome to actually own it now :)


Watching this makes me want to go over to gog.com or an abandonware site and hope to find some cool ancient game I haven't tried before, or one I haven't gotten around to, like the Kyrandia series, or Police Quest


Also, Discworld AND Hitchiker's Guide? This guy's dad had very good taste


You mean Knight Orc not Knight One? I remember playing that and another one by Rainbird called the Guild of Thieves. Great haul!


There were so many thousands of games released in the first fifteen years of the PC, it's possible to look and find something new every day :)

Evan B

I need to get a copy of Discworld one of these days.. That game looks right up my alley .. ... (well, with a walkthru, that is)


ABSOLUTELY with a walkthrough. I seriously doubt I'd ever have been able to see the ending without one, some of the puzzles are absolutely beyond bonkers