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So, this is a thing. I've actually been looking for a copy of this for years (because of course I have) and finally sourced one on Ebay recently, so I'm excited to share it! There may not be a lot to look at, but dang if it isn't prime oddware.


LGR Oddware - Nerd Perfect Vaporware

Uploaded by Lazy Game Reviews on 2016-09-28.



It's pretty satisfying to finally get something you've been looking for, for years on eBay, isn't it?


You know I like your choice of shopping muzak in the background but for this you should have gone with some Vaporwave :-)


Vaporware, like my signed and personalized 5.25 floppy I have yet to receive over 6 months later? :P


First I've heard of it! If it didn't show up after the first month, there was some kind of problem. Send me an email and we can discuss things :)


Man, is anywhere some sort of digital version of this? You know like scaned in or something?


Oh yeah, it's a rush. Especially something as obscure as this, I'd almost given up ever seeing it!

Kris Asick

I think the best part of this whole thing is that you never have to worry about disk rot or storing it too close to magnets. ;D


This has led me to searching for vapourwear to download. Happily it didn't take long! <a href="https://www.drupal.org/project/vaporware" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.drupal.org/project/vaporware</a>


Wowsers. That is a unique concept. I don't know if it's just getting older, but the parody stuff is so very hit and miss for me (in fact, I dived right into the Winblows review, and my gods, you must have had the patience of 1000000 saints to 'play' enough of that for review purposes). Still a real unique way of delivering it for the time though :)


So are those vaporvids at the end?


Now this is the kind of vaping I can really get behind. :X The nerd is missing his cape in the thumbnail though, so no caping!


Very unique indeed! Makes me wonder how they pulled it off. Like, did they ask a floppy disk supplier for a bunch of disks without the media inside? Or just buy a bunch and pull the media out themselves, haha.