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Finally it's time to return to the Computer Reset warehouse in Texas and see how much has changed, what stuff remains, and experience one of their weekend events! My brother and I ended up filming over 400GB of footage when we visited back in January so it's been a bit of a process getting it all organized and edited, but three and a half weeks later here we are.

And yep, they are indeed still doing weekend events for the time being, so there's still a chance to visit before they shut down the place for good later this year. Here's the group to join the waiting list. 

Hope y'all enjoy this one! There probably won't be a new LGR vid next week since I need a bit of a breather after putting this together, and I really gotta get out of the house, ha. But I'll be back with an 80s PC retrospective most likely, as I've had a nifty old system set up on the desk next to me for weeks now ready to cover.


Computer Reset pt2 for patrons

an LGR thing.



I’m really tempted to stop working just to watch this video, but I know it will lead to me not going back to work and taking a nap or starting something else.


I think I'll survive a week without a new LGR vid, especially since I the first CR video was so fascinating and I should be full up on another 40min of it.


If I'm not going to see all those mainframe stuff working in some other youtube video I'm going to be very disappointed :( Really breaks my heart.


Awesome video, Clint! Thanks for filming the place before its gone forever. At least it looked like it wasn't as scorchingly hot like your visit in 2019


As mentioned in the video, they're set aside for museums to be preserved. No cause for heartbreak, it just takes time and resources to get such things hauled off and taken care of :)


Certainly tried to make this one similarly engaging even if there's not nearly as much stuff to look at as last time. I hope it proves filling!

Avery G

That apple I replica plant almost got me! did a double take on it.


This place is ridiculously cool, I'd love to have been able to dig around in there. I could probably come out with a uhauls worth of stuff if I tried. Its great to see how much stuff is getting a new lease on life as opposed to piling up in a landfill, I always hate seeing great old tech wasted like that


Epic, I appreciate you fine AV work here as well as all your other videos. Some of us appreciate the finer details you put into these videos. Well done, sir. You are without a doubt my youtube favorite. and the fact that you're into synthwave, another huge bonus.


I think that your work on Youtube is an important part of the preservation of these old computer parts. Documenting the use and features of hardware, software and everything in between. I am trying to do my part by recording songs from Apple II music hardware or grabbing videos from early 3d accelerator graphics. Scanning manuals and floppy disks to archive everything online. So much is already lost forever with only vague memories remaining. Discovering computer stuff from 40 years ago can be like archeology. Lets try to preserve our digital heritage!


Nice follow-up. You guys did great :)


I would _love_ to visit CR, but unfortunately I don't live near it and I just don't have space to store stuff I bring home. Thank you so much Clint for visiting and preserving some of the history of this place!


Very cool follow up. I am not that far away, and I wanted to go to CR pretty badly. It is an amazing place. Such a shame that they managed it through a Facebook group. Many people have left that platform in recent years, and I had to create a new account just to try to join the group and visit. They denied me, saying my account was "too new" and didn't have enough personal info (which I would have offered if asked), and therefore I must be a scammer. It's certainly a more arbitrary process than I expected.


I talked to them about that when I was there and they've had a BUNCH of people wasting their time or even downright being malicious, online and off. So it's more out of necessity and peace of mind for the volunteers to screen people before letting them inside. But yeah I really do wish they had a non-FB option too though, since I also don't use it and think the platform is rotting.

Counter Surprise

Fantastic video! Thank you so much for showing us again. I wish we had something like this in Europe. I would visit every weekend. Loved the 8 bit guy cameo including Dremel and paperclip. He got so much hate for that video - this made me really laugh! I guess the apple 1 replica was his as well?


It was indeed! David drove back over with that stuff specifically to add some silliness to the video


L O L David's cameo absolutely BROKE me. Glad y'all have a good sense of humor. Excellent video as always, I've been in the fb group since your first video and it's been so fascinating to see things unfold even though I'm too far away to go to an event. Awesome to get to experience one second-hand :)


Absolutely FANTASTIC! I would love to see another follow-on (maybe on blerbs?) with all the extra footage that wasn't in this video. I could watch this stuff all day.


When I saw the first video I felt very worried about the future of the items inside. But after seeing this, I am so much more at ease with so much of this going to a good home.


Ahh! been waiting for this one!


Is there any chance of seeing the uncut, or mostly uncut, footage? There are many of us who will never get to see the place and being able to just watch the footage, even without audio, would be do cool.


Seriously, huge thank you to all of the volunteers there. I've been twice and they did a GREAT job.


Maybe at some point but not anytime soon, as I'm pretty over looking at this footage at the moment :P And you're really not missing much, what got cut was cut for a reason! I don't think there's anything there that I didn't show, mostly the rest of the footage is longer versions of each shot already seen in the edited video.


Thanks, Skoddie! Yeah it's been a real trip just seeing all that's happened from a distance through photos. I'm psyched to share how things have progressed in video form.

Frederick G.

Press F for the random Fry's mini cart.


I almost shed a tear seeing my very first computer, a Cordata CS40 being set aside for a museum. So happy beyond words to see someone else appreciate something that I hold extremely fond memories of.

Chad Armstrong

Seeing the 8-bit Guy cameo gave me a chuckle. Definitely a neat looking place. Sadly, no more old Sierra test machines, I'm guessing. ;)


Excellent video man! I really enjoyed it. I doubt there is anything like this here in Australia.

Carey Brown

Part of me really wants to go but I know it will not be good for my home/pocket book. I'd have to ship it all home.


Those volunteers are all going to Silicon Heaven


Press F for Fry's in general! Only got to visit there once before they shut down for good, and it was the last time I was in Dallas in '19


I was glad to see that unearthed and chosen for preservation as well! It's so great that these treasures got a chance to be rescued.


Is that the version "being stuck opposite Brigitte Nielsen in a packed lift?" or the version where "all of the calculators go?"

Evan B

wow!!! 50-60% gone!?!? that's amazing... shame i live no where close to that place... and that all the name-brand classic stuff is already gone... would be amazing to see.. hopefully it all ends up finding a home


I lost it at the 8-bit guy hahahaha did not expect that


The guy on the Soft DVD Max box is actually the love child of Neo and Crash Override


It was awesome to be there and to see you! I wonder if I'm in the video somewhere :-D


Wow the previous video was 2019?! Feels like 6 months ago.

Headset Guy

Right before your "Today's sponsor" joke, I saw a Compaq Presario S0000 series computer; it brought back a lot of memories, because we had a Presario S5100NX from 2003 to 2008.

Hugo Cardozo

Lool, when you showed that IBM "executive" thing I wondered if the 8BitGuy was in the premises as well 😂


That video leaves me a bit sad that i, being from Germany, will most likely never be able to visit that place. -.- EDIT: And no, proxy window shopping rather left me pretty down.


They say never meet your (YouTube) heroes, but Clint is the real deal. It still feels wild seeing myself on an LGR video! I only found out about Computer Reset because of the original video, and I am so happy I got to see it before it’s all gone. I didn’t take much, but the experience was worth it. I appreciate the volunteer offering me the Diamond SpeedStar 64 after he showed it to you, I have just the PC to put it in. I had no idea the card goes for so much on eBay! Clint, I really enjoyed talking to you and if you’re ever in Texas I have a “nano” version of CR I could introduce you to. I just wish I had asked for a selfie, but I was feeling a little shy. Great video!


Wish I could take a trip over there but I am not exactly swimming in space or funds. At least it is immortalized.


Well I don't have a place like that, but I do have some dumb luck on occasion. Just purchased a trs 80 Model 4P from an estate sale for $120. And it's in really good condition.


Man I wish there was a place like that around here