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Greetings, $5+ supporters! So I'm bringing back LGR Wrap Ups as a Patreon-exclusive thing, or at least some weird, unscripted, uncensored, casual version of it. These will not be going public, it's just for y'all.

So! Instead of simple Q&A videos, I decided why not combine that with monthly (probably) updates on the LGR channel and the whole realm of retro YouTubing that I find myself in? I can guarantee that I've got no shortage of stuff to talk about, ha. And yeah this first episode is an absolutely fustercluck of rambling with no direction or notes to follow, so... apologies in advance perhaps. But if you're into unfiltered LGR then this is what's up. The core idea is to have an extremely laid-back hangout session every so often. I'm sure the format will change over time and I'm open to ideas, too.

Anyway, lemme know your thoughts – and any questions for next time! The topic for next time is: questions related to the LGR video-making process. Generally anyway, we'll see how it goes 👍


LGR Wrap Up - January 2022

a patron update thing **NOT PUBLIC, DO NOT SHARE**


Richard Burgess

Great wee video. I guess once in a while just posting something raw, unedited, and unscripted might cleanse the soul a little compared to your regular productions. I would also guess your supporters appreciate the candid nature of the video, I certainly did. I am not a Youtube content creator, but I did run a business from home for many many....far too many years....and it's a real roller coaster. At times it became a huge ball ache and my energy was at a real-time low, then a few weeks or months later and you get a high and things don't seem as bad. I tried a few things, a Pomodoro timer was something that improved things a fair bit, stopped me from working constantly into the early hours of the evening. Eventually getting a big office and separating home life and work was the key. I still battle it though, always have projects to do and occasionally they end up at home. A question, have you ever considered external help for your day-to-day work? Churning out this level of content for so long, man, I don't know how you do it. Having others to bounce ideas off of, and to offload some of the more tedious jobs might help out a little? That said, with the blood, sweat, and tears in the channel, I understand that it's not an easy thing to do, especially since it's been this long. Anyway, stay safe......and with the house hunting, you never get as much as you want for selling and you always feel you paid too much for the place you are buying....been there a few times :-S


I love every video man, The skyrim video.... Cabbages made me LOL. I totally love the hardware videos. Keep up the great work mate!

Lucas J. Chumley

This was fascinating, getting a glimpse into how your brain works! Look forward to the next one! Question for next time: You, and many other creators commonly show something in a video - sometimes as a prop, sometimes to augment a demonstration - and then say '..but that's for another time. I'd like to make a video about it sometime, though.' Of course, many times - that video never comes. In fact, you're the only YouTuber I subscribe to that has actually come through on it at least once. I don't want to sound like its something that annoys me, I get that there's an abundance of things to make videos about and there's a reality of not making too many similar videos etc. etc. It makes me wonder, do you keep an actual master list of projects, or maybe a smaller list of 'top of mind' projects? I'd love to know the prioritization process you use. What you do is an interesting twist of engineering and art and I can't imagine something like a kanban board being even remotely useful for creative work where inspiration is a requirement and directly affects the quality of the work. Inspiration can't be measured by a plot line or user story. Side note - as a Sega Teradrive (x2) owner, I can't wait for the Teradrive video you teased on Twitter. I have quite a list of information, experiences, and stories regarding these quirky little machines and yet I have a feeling you'll still teach me something!

Lucas J. Chumley

> A question, have you ever considered external help for your day-to-day work? Great question. I can't imagine trying to keep this bar of quality on my own.


Clint, so glad you didn't chase the algorithm. The shit you make is fantastic and even if it doesn't get as many views as you had hoped, just know that your videos are deeply appreciated and enjoyable. If you decide to produce less videos for your own mental health, we 100% understand and support your decision. P.S. Loved the shit out of your weather monitoring station video!! But as you listed off each of your 2021 videos, all I could think was "man, that was a great video".




I really enjoy this style of LGR video, like all LGR videos. Keep up the great work Clint, you are one of my favorite Youtubers. I do miss those Sims videos you would do back in the day. Some laid back Let's Play type videos might be a nice break from the usual videos. Have you ever thought about doing mutiplayer games with Patrons?


This was rad. I watched this on my phone before I passed out and it almost felt like I was facetiming one of my boys. Love the casual vibe.


This was awesome Clint, hope you find the best balance of work / life for you. You asked about Blerbs on Patreon, I'm here for any LGR at all so I'd love to hear stuff Blerb or not! Or LGR Foods, I fuckin love those videos too! That's how I got my wife hooked on your videos too.

Jason Wellband

Today I am in good fucking company! Love your videos and all the hard work you put into them. I think of Patreon as a way to help fund people and things you like (kinda like your local PBS station), not so much as transactional per-product thing (that'd be more like onlyfans IMO ... LGR OF?? HAHAHAHAHA!!!). I will say seeing things in the patreon feed can be nice if YT is "hiding" things. A video-making question for ya. Obviously, you do things like video capture and routing audio into the captured footage, etc. Do you use older stuff to do it (as one would have back in the day) and at the very end, digitize it, or do you have a lot of older PCs/etc plugged into modern gadgets (like the Retrotink or open-source scan converter that Adrian Black uses) and capture digitally?


I'd be interested in hearing about the gear that you use for producing your videos. Also your process: Do you start with a plan, or just start shooting and see what happens. I assume there's a certain amount of behind the scenes time getting familiar with the subject/gear before you start . . .


Blerbs videos in patreon feed is fine for me. And don't worry too much about schedule. I like to watch your videos some time after you post them, and I enjoy them. And I think the most important thing for you AND your channel is that you do what you enjoy doing, while enjoying it


I left this comment a long time ago but it looks like Patreon glitched and undid it! I hope it's not too late to drop this here: I *really, really* dig this whole video idea!! It's a fantastic place to share some of the unseen work that goes into each video; now we can peek behind the curtain at all that fun, research, and troubleshooting. The casual, conversational tone is refreshing, the longer length is great, and I'm already looking forward to next month's! Some thoughts: —I wouldn't worry about a live version. Finding the perfect time and getting it set up is almost always more trouble than it's worth, plus this way we can watch whenever we want! —My understanding is blurbs is intended to showcase cool stuff without a big storyline or polished high production value, and in the spirit of keeping it lower effort I'd say there's no need to post them here. We all know where to find them :-) —I didn't find the screensaver distracting, the background provided lots of nice places to rest my eyes while you were thinking about what to say Production questions for next month: 1) Is there any science to the priority you work on projects in, or is it more like whatever you're in the mood to explore next? 2) What are your thoughts on video editing? Some people feel it's tedious and repetitive while others enjoy the sense of perfecting a video, so I'm curious to hear what the process is like for you