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Aw yeah, finally it's time for an LGR retrospective on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim! Annnnnd this game is just about to turn one decade old... A DECADE. Truly unbelievable to me, good lord. It really does seem like only yesterday that I was standing in line at the midnight launch for this thing, psyched outta my mind to dive back into the world of Tamriel. My how times flies.

Hope y'all enjoy this one! It's been really fun to go back and revisit the game myself this past couple weeks, to the point where I was staying up till 4AM several nights just replaying a new character and exploring the world. Even though it really is starting to age like a ten-year-old game at this point, but y'know, so it goes. Now, who's taking on bets on the actual release of TES: VI? Think it'll happen in the next five years? I seriously have my doubts, ha.

So yeah, onto the next video(s) here for me, which a good few are probably gonna be Blerbs after the big unboxing the other day. I've got so many cool niche projects to talk about, heh. Of course then there's the thanksgiving holiday and multiple family reunion-esque things I'm obliged to attend here soon, so we'll see what actually gets done. Ah well, have a nice week!


The Elder Scrolls Skyrim 10 Years Later: An LGR Retrospective

Fus Ro Dude, it's time for an LGR review of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim! It's now one decade old (wow) so let's take a look back the original game from 2011 in celebration of its 10 year anniversary. Dang time flies, that midnight launch on 11-11-11 still seems like yesterday. ● LGR links: https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.twitter.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews ● Background music licensed from: https://www.epidemicsound.com #LGR #ElderScrolls #Skyrim




Evan B

uhm .. I still never finished that game.. I think my cousin has been STILL playing it on and off over the years and was amazed at how much new things can still be found


So many good memories with this game... Excited to see your take on it :)


While I’m not a gamer (nothing against it, I just can’t dive into them like I could when I was younger), I’ve always been interested in playing Skyrim. What are the differences between all the rereleases? Is it just improved graphics?


I've somehow never made it much past the intro, a bit ironic since I grew up in Bethesda, Maryland, the place Bethesda Game Studios is named for. This has reminded me that I should probably try playing again.


Well I bought this game at launch, but my computer at this time wasn't able to run it at all. I actually find the time to do it just last year, so that video has a awesome timing for me :D Absolutely enjoy playing it even 9 years after release


The last versions have improved graphics, build in mods support and 2 or 3 dlcs with additional content (don't remind all the details but adopting children, marrying, building a home and a whole new island are in the dlcs)


It took until Breath of the Wild for me to put more time into a game than I did with Skyrim. I have a bad habit of playing games for a while only to drop them for 6 months and then forget what the heck I was doing. That never happened with Skyrim. So many great memories. I also credit Skyrim for getting me back into PC building and modding. I spent the later XP and Vista years using a laptop. That changed when I decided I wanted to play Skyrim (Purchased near launch). Thanks for taking the time to make this video!


I refuse to believe it was 10 years ago that I was at our local midnight release too. There was singing. There was laughter. There was freezing our butts off like the Nords we were about to become. The excitement as I carried out the first public collector's edition in the city.


I wasn't expecting that little Action Button reference when the elk fell from the sky (at least I assume that's what that was, since it's right after a Cyberpunk reference and his review of that just came out). I do love Skyrim. It's got its jank and issues, and I prefer Morrowind in a lot of ways, but Skyrim is just so easy to explore and get lost in. While it is greatly simplified, I find that makes it a bit easier to lose myself in wandering and exploration. Though I do miss a lot of how Morrowind (and admittedly, parts of Cyrodil) looked. Great video as always!


Such a horribly broken but still fairly fun game

Kris Asick

I had a feeling a video like this was coming... spotted you playing ridiculous amounts of Skyrim over on Steam the past few days! Also saw the mention of SkyUI coming a mile away when I realized you weren't actually doing anything practical with the UI, just turning off the UI mods every so often and scrolling your item/magic lists to show how dumb the plain UI is. As for me, I've always liked Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim equally, all for different reasons! :B


>that tim rogers shotgun+mario sound


I've owned Skyrim since it came out, but could never get into playing far with it. Great retrospective.


"dealing out death to dudes from a distance". Beautiful!


I've had Skyrim sitting in my Steam account for years, and I have yet to install it. I have such a huge backlog and so little time to play that I find games of this size to be too daunting these days. The last one I played of that ilk was Fallout 4, and didn't even get to finish it (for reasons unrelated to the game's quality). The one thing that has got me to play this sort of game lately has been the Nintendo Switch. Having the games available for me to play whenever I am makes it much easier for me to engage with them than if I had to wait until I'm home and rested. That being said, while I know Skyrim was released on Switch, I think I'm going to wait for the Steam Deck to play this one. You gotta have mods for Bethesda games, you just gotta.


Wow! You went through them all. Well done man. ...and IT IS like kicking with your mouth!

Honorary Octopus

I never did the whole midnight release thing, but i feel I'll never get the chance to either with things moving increasingly to digital distribution.. Where your ownership is entirely dependent on them deciding to keep the download servers up..until they dont.


One of the first things I did when I moved to the US from Colombia was get an Xbox 360 and a copy of Skyrim that same December. Still can't believe it's been 10 years


Randy savage plea at the end, 10/10


I've put between two and three hundred hours into it and I still found a ton of new stuff making this video!


Yeah it still holds up pretty well for what it is! Just gotta forgive some of the Bethesda jank


Ah that brings back some memories too. A buddy of mine was laptop only for years, but Skyrim convinced him to finally get a gaming PC and we spent a pizza-filled weekend building it. Good times.


That sums it up wonderfully. I'm glad the store I went to let us wait inside, as outside was awful cold. Still would've done it though, haha


Definitely an Action Button reference, ha. After watching his entire Cyberpunk series over the course of a week, I now always hear that sound effect when I see glitches


Yeeeeep, it's been nothing but Skyrim capturing for like a week straight! I was legit thrown for a loop when I disabled SkyUI to get the vanilla experience again. Such a badly optimized interface.


I'll be curious to see what it's like on Steam Deck as well! Especially if mods are as easy to install as I hope


Ah dang, yeah. Something's definitely been lost with the transition to server-based gaming. Midnight launched used to feel inconvenient, but at the same time I really miss that excited energy


That's awesome, I can only imagine the thrill of such a huge move combined with a big new virtual world to explore. The decade passed far too quickly.


Ahh I'm going to savor this video for a moment when I go to bed early (probably tomorrow) Skyrim gets a lot of deserved flack for its bugs and many... *MANY* ports and rereleases but it's also a very good and engrossing game and there's a bunch of fun modding fun to be haved. It's a evergreen in my book, right after Morrowind.


I’ve said it over and over again, one of these days I’m gonna pick up Skyrim and get sucked in. It’s right up my alley but I’ve just never gotten around to playing it. I tried once but it was such a bug fest from steam that I put it on hold till I could download some fixes


Excellent retrospective as usual Clint! Hard to believe this game is now 10 years old. I know it has become a bit of a joke with all its re-releases, but we still need to acknowledge the impact it has had on the video game world. It has influenced the RPG genre just as much as Doon as affected the FPS genre

Adrian's Digital Basement

Somehow, I’ve never played Skyrim. Watching this makes me realize I’ve definitely been missing out!


lmao, did you intentionally reference tim rogers with the doom/sm64 sound effect?


&gt; Now, who's taking on bets on the actual release of TES: VI? The teaser trailer came out June 2018. We're now 3.5 years later, or almost a quarter of the development time of <i>Duke Nukem Forever</i>. It's a Quarter-Duke! I think we'll be closer to a Half-Duke before it gets released (or it will be a Half-Life and be vaporware).