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LGR - A Bit of HTC Vive Absurdity

Just received an HTC Vive! I'll be reviewing it once I get enough time with it, but until then here's a small taste of what's to come. Hehe.



With things like room scale VR, positional tracking and touch controllers; it’s going to be interesting to see how users observe and interact with virtual environments in the future. It’s also going to be interesting to see how much detail developers can afford to put into an environment. I’ve noticed that users tend to expect more from virtual environments, wanting to interact with everything realistically. For example, if you lay on your back and shimmy under one of those pool tables, is the underside realistically rendered and mapped? Or did the developers just make it a black slab of polygons because they’re used to ignoring surfaces that wouldn’t visible to the user with a traditional control scheme?


I bought both the HTC Vive and the Oculus. I found with the Oculus, despite my best efforts I'd end up walking into something , or entirely losing my bearings. With the Vive, the camera is so much better. That said, if you're out of the field of view of one of the sensors you get a weird lag. And lag in VR is very very off putting! @LGR, don't forget to check out Lucky's Tail (you may need the Revive mod to access Oculus home)

Lindsay Michelle

Someone had a bit too much fun (and a bit too many virtual drinks) with the Vive, hehe. :3 Can't wait for the full review -which I'm sure will answer questions such as, "Do you throw even more needle cats from the sky?" o.o


Question, can the HTC Vive be connected to a PC? or is it like the Samsung Galaxy Gear VR, which only works with the smart phone?


Martin: It is designed to connect to a PC. It may have other functions, but that's the intended use.


Have you tried Proton Pulse? Very similar concept to Cyberpong, highly enjoyably


Yeah, I haven't messed with Revive at all yet. I heard Oculus did something to make sure it doesn't work anymore though?


Yep, you can go under the pool table and see underneath! All the quality VR games I've played make sure that areas like that are rendered, because yeah, people are naturally going to take a look around :) It's going to be fascinating to see what comes next!

Evan B

hahahah shooting the robots looked like fun.. I *loved* the vive when I tried it at PAX


The demos at PAX were great, weren't they? I'm glad they've all made it over into the retail market, and even better than they were there!


Those animals are incredible in this video. I can't imagine what they'd be like in the VR environment. I was imagining Tempest, my former cat, and it occurred to me that there could be extensive therapeutic benefits to such a device. It's been said before, obviously, but not until watching this video did I genuinely believe in the potential of the technology in that regard.