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Celebrating 20 years of Quake! And apparently, the next Quake game was just announced at E3 a couple days ago, so this will coincide nicely with that as well :)


LGR - Quake - DOS PC Game Review

Uploaded by Lazy Game Reviews on 2016-06-14.


Steve Martin

I feel so bad for being in the know and picking up the infamous Quake shareware disc before it got recalled back in the day and having full access to full Quake and all the other games on it via the crack.. Thanks to GOG and Steam, I have since paid back what I can in pirating losses.


Man, this was awesome. Quite the nostalgia trip too. I can't remember how I came about playing Quake. I learned a new secret thanks to this video, haha.

Simon Paynton

now thats how to do a reveiw!


3DFX box, stop staring into my soul like that!


I totally agree with the llevel design. It feels surreal....maybe it's just me but realistic levels bore me somehow.


As soon as Doom 2016 was announced I said Quake would be next, and while I am very glad to be right, I am a bit disappointed that it is another arena shooter. I was looking forward to them finally revisiting the Lovecraftian world that we see here.


I played the original Quake on PC last night for the first time ever?! I resurrected an old Atom powered PC and hit up GOG.com


I was pretty muched 3D'd out by the time Quake came out and I don't think I ever really got back into the genre. I really love all the tidbits and facts you put into these videos. Nice job.

Kris Asick

Quake was awesome for sure, but I also recall the system requirements... You basically NEEDED either a Pentium system (back when 486s still dominated the market) or a dedicated FPU, otherwise your framerate, even at low resolution, would be terrible. When I first played Quake I was still using a 486DX2/66 MHz system, but not long following we moved up to a Pentium 120 and the game suddenly became a LOT more playable!


Yes indeed. Realistic levels have their place, but often an abstract level captures the imagination more easily


I was hoping for that as well. Strange that this first Quake is the only one with this theme!


Yeah, playing Quake on a standard 486DX2 isn't a great experience. My 100MHz DX4 system plays it okay though!

Lindsay Michelle

You know this is an LGR review when the gun is described as a "deadly metallic phallus." :D Nice gravel, btw. Goes great with your carpet background, hehe.


Most excellent review. I remembered aspects of the troubled development - but certainly none of the origins as an RPG. First taste of deathmatch action for me (with peeps in an Internet cafe… that's such a 90s thing too) as well, as no way I could give it a serious run on my 486 DX2/66 of the time. Not gonna be lying - you got me wanting to grab a source port and get it running again, which is the perfect sign of a job well done.

Evan B

I played the crap out of Quake2 and mods for it during college ..amazing stuff.. Didn't realize (or completely forgot) that trent reznor was involved!

Justin Dotson

I spent many a day playing quake over the highschool network in the 90's. We even set it up to stream to the local cable tv station that my high school had on a Halloween. Fun times.


QUAKE!!! Gotta admit, as much as I love Doom, and Duke Nukem, Quake was the first FPS game I ever played as a kid! I still have my N64 cartridge sitting on my computer desk that I've been meaning to play for a while! I'm really excited about the new Quake game that was announced at E3, although I gotta admit- I was really hoping that it would be a complete remake/remaster of the game like they did for Doom. :P


Hey maybe someone can help me here. I found a bootleg copy of the shareware version of quake at a goodwill. I picked it up because it had the original manual. Anyhow the game won't run well at 640 x 480 or higher. I have an amd k6-3 plus, voodoo 3 3000 and 2gb ram.......any ideas?


Happy to hear it! Might I recommend ProQuake, it's a great port that I used for parts of this video


Yeah, I was really hoping for a Doom-like treatment as well. Here's hoping Champions has some good merits on its own!


You'd want to patch the game to take advantage of the Voodoo3, otherwise it's running in pure software and uses only your CPU to render. Although, if it's shareware, I'm not sure if you can..


Thanks for the info, I'll see what I can do!


PLEASE do a Quake 2 review. Love some original Quake but Q2 is/was my favorite game of all time and I still play weekly. Check out the TastySpleen community if you'd like to play as well: www.tastyspleen.net Updated Q2 client from TS here. Works great on new systems. Quake 2 Starter: <a href="http://q2s.tastyspleen.net/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://q2s.tastyspleen.net/</a>


I was always familiar with Doom and Duke Nukem, but never really played Quake. Boy did I miss out lol. Is there a good source port of it?