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Time for another episode of Oddware! And this one you might've seen online before, if you frequent the same retro subcommunities or follow the same social media accounts I do.

This is the CKS-05V from 1997, a 5-inch amber monochrome VGA CRT monitor that fits into three PC drive bays! And it's an absolute delight to use, with both retro and modern software. Surprisingly sharp image and that beautiful orange glow.

Huge thanks to Kevin for sending this over from the Netherlands so I could make a video about it! There are only two or three of these in the hands of collectors that I'm aware of, and photos of this unit in particular have been making the rounds online lately, so I'm psyched I got a chance to check it out.

And sometime soon it'll be on the way back to its owner, so I hope you enjoy this look at it in video form! What a special little device.


LGR Oddware - 5.25" Drive Bay CRT Monitor from 1997

This is the STS Tecom CKS-05V from 1997, a 5-inch amber monochrome VGA CRT monitor that fits into three PC drive bays! And it is a delight to use with both retro games and modern software. Surprisingly sharp image and that beautiful orange glow, ah, just a fantastic oddity. ● LGR links: https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.twitter.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews ● Check out United & Co's write-up and photo gallery here: https://unitedandco.net/2021/07/07/a-crt-inside-your-pc-sts-tecom-amber-monitor-showcase/ ● All background music licensed from: http://www.epidemicsound.com #LGR #Retro #Oddware



So THIS is what the Blerb was referencing!


Very cool. I would have totally bought something like that back in the 90s. It would have been even cooler in a desktop system (vs. a tower) because then you could sort of use it like a Compaq Portable as it would be similar form factor! Pity about the amber color. I've never been fond of that. If it is going to be monochrome, I'd much prefer green or paper-white.


There is something incredibly nostalgic about an Amber and black display. My very first PC had one and I've spent many nights basking in its warm yellow glow. Maybe that explains my terrible eyesight today...


It might be really cool to see a game with raytracing on the monitor. Either way, super cool episode

Carey Brown

THAT'S why you wanted a "Vintage" yellowed case. Mystery solved! Also I swear I've seen LCD versions of this in the not too distant past.


Any chance we can see what a Win98 screensaver looks like on this thing?

Mat Cooper

Good lord that's glorious! Love Amber CRT but this is just a whole new level of awesome!

Robert Butler

I mean it fits with the Fallout "motif", but yeah that's about all it will fit in with, haha.

Robert Butler

Honestly it's so neat how small you can make a CRT.

Pietro Gagliardi

Honestly the yellowing + the bezel shape + to a lesser extent the look of the dial indicators that you showed in your tweet made this look like something Apple would have put out in the 80s =P It has that look to some extent, you know? (Let's not tell NanoRaptor...) Also is the VGA cable just supposed to surreptitiously stick out of the machine somehow? And gotta love the CRT refresh boing =P

Blair Harrison

Love it! My first PC's monitor had an mono/amber button, so I have a bit of nostalgia for anything amber. I would have been all over this thing had I found one back in the 90s.

Joon Choi

The many ways people found to stick CRTs and their crazy electron guns into all sorts of awkward places never ceases to both amuse and confound me. Also, about that time to play through New Vegas again for the millionth time! :)


I can't help but think. It would be fun to do something similar with one of those CRTs Adrian had on his channel, and do like.. a Fallout themed PC with a pip or something on it.

Ryan Rardin

If you still have this thing, I think it'd be cool to see it with the NuXT. Maybe with some BattleZone or Planet X3.


It's a sepia toned world!


Nice video. Hope you stayed safe today, Clint. A friend of my wife's was trying to visit her parents in Candler, and couldn't even make it to their house. Sounds like things got pretty crazy over that way with the flash flooding.


All you're missing is a little Human Revolution 😁

DFawlt Uzr

This would be so fun for LAN parties hahaha. Gimmicky maybe, but golly that's be fun


It's crazy how easy the monochrome is to get used to. Like my brain was filling in the lack of color for me.


If I had an old PC running my home, it should have that display. Just the tower and a small keyboard.

Matt Tester

Explains the case and it's a perfect choice. Would be really nice if they made modern LCD versions that fold out of a single bay, we could certainly use them at work.

Alyxx the Rat

It just turns every game into Deus Ex Human Revolution.


I mentioned it in passing in the video, but those do/did exist! Not very common either though, and it’s been years since I’ve seen them for sale.


Totally! It’s a crisp enough image that the lack of color isn’t a huge deal once your mind kicks in and makes up the difference


Ha, relatable. I spent lots of time spent with amber terminals and displays growing up, sitting right up close to the screen. My eyesight has never been great and continues to perish.


There were some fold-out LCD drive bay displays like 7 or 8 years ago. Looked similar to a vehicle’s center console.

Honorary Octopus

Man, thats freaking awesome. i want one of those in my modern computer.. unlikely as it may be to find a case with 1 5inch drive, much less 3.


True that! Kinda sucks that drive bays have become so uncommon on new cases, but I get why at the same time


man I imagining how cool something like that would be with games like fallout if you could send the pip boy screen to it only


This is amazing. :)


I don't know why, but I want to see a zoom meeting on it.


why not teams? everybody uses teams here in europe but nobody zooms :D