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Not much more to say really. It's one of my all-time favorite games and an absolute classic. Hard to believe it's 22 years old now, jeez.

Videos like this are often a real treat to put together and this was no exception.
I hope you enjoy!


Unreal Tournament 22 Years Later: An LGR Retrospective

Review of Unreal Tournament 1999 from Epic Games. Facing Worlds, Deck16, Morpheus, assault mode, instagib, ahh good times in PC gaming. Let's take a nostalgic look back at Unreal Tournament Game of the Year Edition! ● LGR links: https://patreon.com/LazyGameReviews https://twitter.com/LazyGameReviews https://facebook.com/LazyGameReviews ● Music licensed from Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com #LGR #Review #UT99



Couldn't have asked for a better notification on this Monday night. Thank you, Clint!


Ohhh man this game, the soundtrack, the hours spent..... Hot damn I'm getting old

Terry Lee

Unfortunately for me I never got to experience unreal but I did get unreal tournament for Christmas and oh boy did I enjoy playing around with the bots in every variety I could with various difficulty settings for each of them. I love how you could edit so much to your liking. Setting up each battle was so much fun!


I can already hear the music of the menu! Unreal tournament was so much fun. <3


You used Mechanism Eight for the intro 🏆 my favourite song in the game! And man this soundtrack, I can't stop listening to it.


funny enough there is a part of the UT Dev team still lingering on from Digital Extremes to this day within the Warframe Staff,


Oooooooh can’t wait! Gonna curl up with a bag of spicy nacho Doritos and a JOLT for this one…


turning off the LGR video I'm rewatching to watch the new LGR video, I'm sure I'm not the only one


I still consider my first 15-0 victory against Xan to be one of my crowning achievements in gaming. So many memories of college games of UT...


Ah yes! I do remember playing this one quite a bit when it came out. Those were the days! :)


Oh hell yeah!


Man I loved UT.... I didn't like UT2003 for some reason... I think it was too much like Quake 3. Or it could have been I didn't own a computer that could run it well (shrug) The online matches that used the "Zark assult rifle" were ones that I could dominate. It was basically a mod that gave the sniper rifle machine gun fire rates. I need to give UT a whirl again, I think the last time I fired it up HD tv was some niche thing and only broadcasted in Japan.

Doug McArthur

Possible edit: would be funny to splice in Neo from The Matrix saying “Guns. Lots of guns.” - at 7:52 in the current vid. I never got into Unreal Tournament, but I did spend countless hours doing Duke 3D death matches with friends via modem. I have vivid memories of that “school” map that was popular on BBSes at the time.


I was just playing UT with my brother a few months ago. So many fond memories over the years. It still oozes coolness and runs so silky smooth


Excellent video again LGR


Assault mode was and is the best thing to happen to First Person Multiplayer Games. I remember hours and hours of fun with my friends at LAN parties :-)


There is much more to this game then I thought :) I only played multiplayer or "practice mooode" with bots. This is my favourite game to use with A3D sound card. Quake 3 arena is also a great game but in UT99 it's easier to hear the enemies and it's so much fun to listen closely to try to hear exactly where the enemies are and just,,,enjoy A3D Thanks for the great entertainment this morning :)


In fact if anyone's wondering, you can play the soundtrack from the original game files using a piece of software called OpenMPT (Open ModPlug Tracker). It supports looping, so it will just keep the music going basically forever :D and it also works with music from other Unreal Engine games from the time, like Deus Ex.


Low grav instagib on Deck16 was always one of my favorite ways to play. Set to kill limit to 500 and just go nuts for a few hours. There was a big push for the textures for the S3 Virge mode that I never got a chance to experience. Any word on if that actually improved the visuals at all? I remember it being a big deal back then but almost no one had that GPU.


God I love this game. I first played it in a computer shop I did work experience in (Gateway 2000).. They had it installed on a couple of machines there although I don’t think it was bundled with anything. I’m pretty sure it was just illegally downloaded on their T1 line... Anyway, got the hook and played it back at home when me and my mates all had our own PC’s. I distinctly remember a friend coming round with his desktop when he got his driving license, and we put a small LAN together to play it.. Great memories.. I still jump in from time to time now and loose a few hours!


Yesssss. One of the greatest games of my childhood. Since I never had internet until way later than I would have liked, I would spend hours bullying bots on Deck 16. Good times. And great video, as always!


I'm sad I never got to experience this game during its peak. :( I still play Quake multiplayer tho lol


Ah the practice mode gag, how I missed thee...


so funny I just picked up Unreal Tournament (small box 2007) from a Goodwill yesterday, then this pops up in my email! UNREAL! lol


I loved my Microsoft Intellimouse back in the day. My iMac had a puck mouse, which was as bad as people remember. I ended up getting a USB Intellimouse within six months, my first optical mouse too!

Kenneth Cummings

Back in the day when Epic still made good games and not dance simulator 2021


Aye, it's unfortunate in a way, seeing Epic go down the whole 'live service' route so hardcore in recent years. I'd love to see them put all their talents into a game less cynical and cash-grabby. On the other hand, they're making BANK and it's wild to see one of my childhood favorite companies go mainstream. In the 90s, I was the dorky kid gushing about this DOS shareware games company no one knew about, and now every kid knows who they are. WEIRD.


It really was a wild time, I feel like I still didn't convey half of the excitement from back then


I wish I could fully convey how effective A3D is with UT. It really is game-changing hearing the action from around the corner, plus being able to zero in on enemies picking up items and such.

Counter Surprise

Oh this brings back so much memories. Fantastic review and I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said in this video. Me and my friends used to play this endlessly on our LAN we secretly build in the hallways of our military academy just to be able to play this game at night when the instructors were gone. Good times. Almost flunked because of this game 😂. Almost.


I love how after all these years, the practice mode joke is still a thing. Most channels would have probably stopped doing it by now.


Ahh, good times. Secret LAN parties are the best LAN parties, especially when skirting responsibilities


Yes! The customization was off the charts, especially with mutators. Never-ending variety, it's one of the few 90s FPS games that has never gotten old to me

Asaf Sagi

Clint and viewers, who is your favorite bot?


Still stands up so well too. Especially against real people, can't wait to set up a LAN again sometime and play that some more


I dunno about favorite bot exactly, but I do remember we always called Tamerlane "Tamarind." And Archon was "Jeff Gordon," haha. My favorite skin was Slain https://unreal.fandom.com/wiki/Slain


It about time.


AGREED. Actually meant to do this two years ago for the game's 20th anniversary, I dunno what happened 🤷‍♂️


It’s kind of surreal how the Unreal engine got reused later for games so outside the arena shooter genre. I played Harry Potter games for the first two books and was surprised to learn they were made with the original Unreal engine. There was a pinball game made in Unreal as well. Nowadays, the Unreal 4 and 5 engines are used for everything, but back then it felt like making a rocket ship out of a car!


Making a rocket ship out of a car, heh, indeed. And then came Rocket League, an Unreal Engine game with rocket powered cars -- which began as an Unreal Tournament mod 😁


I always thought FPS games were cool, but I was horrible at them. I still am for the most part. Now that I've built my "ultimate 98SE" PC I'm really wanting to go back and try Quake and Unreal on period hardware. Fun video!


I never much got into this game, but UT2K4 was my religion back in the day. It was like Tribes 2, but also Unreal. That was awesome.


Bloody Love It! If I had to pick one game to take to a desert island, this could easily be it


I'm glad we're still making "practice mode" jokes

Bryan McIntosh

About the only logo missing from the back of the box was Intel MMX. Because at that point, everyone realized that MMX didn't really improve performance in games all that much, if at all!


I'm right with you there. UT, Duke 3D, SimCity 3000, maybe a good endless puzzle game. That'd do it.


I have really gotta cover the Tribes games. It was a similar thing to UT with me, where I played it via a magazine demo disc for a long time before ever playing the full game. Skiing is still so good.


Do it, Rob! If nothing else, crank down the AI skill and just blast away bots cathartically. Great stress relief 👍


Oh heck yeah! Unreal Tournament was _the_ game that got me into first person shooters. Our family had a Power Mac G4 tower, so I was thrilled that it was out on the Mac and that I could play against my PC friends. Awesome video as always, you mentioned a lot of modifiers and add-ons that I haven't tried yet, so I'll certainly have to look for those. Thanks! :-) Although Apple's architecture and OS switches made this game a pain to run in the past, thankfully the OldUnreal patch really lets this machine fly on modern Macs. Now where's my install disc...

Adrian's Digital Basement

Amazing Clint. You are far more a gamer than me, but like you I probably have put more hours into UT than any other game in my life as well. I recently installed the Epic store on my PC to quickly peruse the titles. I immediately downloaded the version of UT there... Good times. Such good times.

Frederick G.

I always more partial to UT than Quake 3, but that Q3 engine is literally the great-grandad of a lot of FPS Franchises like MoH, CoD, even Resident Evil: Dead Aim ( Before mainline RE became first person) But Unreal is becoming the backbone of the game industry to a lot of devs.


Awesome video, never played UT99 but I did play the crap out of UT2004. Actually games with bots were a blessing since my dial-up ping was a solid 400ms to a good server. Glad to see another game review :)

Michael Steenbeek

I never played UT99 (I was 8 at the time, a bit too young), but I certainly recognise the fond memories of playing after school and such - in my case, it was with Halo CE (the Windows version). Still play that game with friends on my birthday every year :D


Aww hell yeah. GREAT video as usual, and one of my favourite games! I love the entire UT series and still play all of them today (maybe except 2003... what's the point when 2004 is available?! Do like the 2003 menu music tho...). I'm really glad there's still a vibrant multiplayer community out there and hope it stays around for a long time yet. Also hope the UT alpha is resumed at some point in the near future, I was really looking forward to it!