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EDIT: Had an issue with the first upload. There's a new one linked now!


"Nobody registers WinRAR." Or so goes the saying. So let's register WinRAR!

Yeah I've had this idea kicking around for a while and I needed a simpler video for this week since I'm working on more involved things, so why not! WinRAR is notorious for having a "40 day trial" that actually never ends, and as a result it's become one of the standout examples of a paid program that pretty much no one pays for. I always thought it'd be kinda fun to see what the registration process is actually like, so yep, here we are.

I also wanted to see how far back the current registration key takes you in terms of being able to unlock older versions of the software. So we begin with Windows 10 and work our way backwards into the 90s with previous versions of Windows, inching closer to when WinRAR was first released to try and see if you can still register those as well.

Alrighty, back to work for me. Have a good week!


Buying & Registering WinRAR ...in 2021

an LGR thing.



One of my old university lecturers registered WinRAR. He was very proud of that fact, too! For some reason he'd tell all of us about it. Mind you he had the money, the textbook he wrote was the required reading for the course and cost £60!


Did we finally find the one and only person in the world that has actually registered it?


I registered WinRAR. Edit: Should've used the 30% off coupon code they give you when you boot up the software for the first time.

Peter Metzger

Fantastic video concept, looking forward to watching it :)

Josh Dionne

I have also toyed with this idea. I have a single key that I have generated (*cough*legitimately*cough) and have just been using when it nags me. I haven't done it as yet just because it's still free (even without the key file)


The anticipation is killing me, hope to see the video soon! :) I am one of those weirdo's who registered WinRar back in the day.


*sees notification* He did it... the absolute madman...


Hilarious. I always wondered why anyone would register it.

Jim Leonard

Lol, I've had a registration key since the dos days


It says it has been removed by the uploader. This answers the question of what would have happened if I had ever registered PKZIP or Winrar. :)


But I did! Now I have it forever.


People still use winrar?

Jim Leonard

When I registered the DOS version, it was around 1997 and they had to find a special process for providing me with a key that would work with DOS version 2.50 (the last DOS 16-bit version).


7-zip! 7-zip! 7-zip! Jokes aside cool that it works backwards (to a point)


I actualy paid for a copy of WinRAR back in hmm.. must have been around 2000 ish. ^_^


I still use WinRar... but yeah, have never registered it. This is actually a case of being put off by the price. $29? for something I use maybe twice a year for 5 seconds to un-rar something.


Nothing beats a long day at work like ordering in pizza and enjoying a video of Clint registering WinRAR


Thank you very much ferraring. Fun video, I honestly didn't expect that key file to work so far back.


ah, memories of downloading a rar in many part because my internet was too slow


*Blocks name at 10:50* Also: *shows name at 10:51*


Well i'm glad you showed me what the process looks like, God knows I would never buy it myself lol


My everyday tools are: MS-DOS 5.0, McAfee and * PKZip*. Anything newer than these are considered untrustworthy by me 😝


I use a tool of the german company Ashampoo that supports different zip-formats. You really have to buy it to use it.


Im a huge fan of your new content, the amount of detail and effort put into your videos is amazing, but boy does this remind me of older lgr!! And I love it! Silly, short and extreamly niche, perfect!


Some older shareware, if the author can still be reached they’ll just give you keys for the older versions. Which is quite nice for retro stuff.


Clint, do you have the Creative Video Blaster card? I bought it back in 92 or 93 and would love to watch a recent review for it. Maybe an episode for Oddware?


The simplest of things, the stuff you have always overlooked is quite interesting :)


I hope you've discovered LGR Blerbs then :) That channel is all about silly unscripted niche things!


Neat! I've still never tried DOS RAR. I assume whatever key they provided you with would also work with the WinRAR 2.0 I showed in the video, too.


Replaced WinRAR with 7-zip back in the day myself and never looked back! Still put it on pretty much everything, retro and modern.


And nothing like reading video comments about registering WinRAR while eating an ordered-in pizza. Cheers 🍕


1:49 And_I_took_that_personally.jpg


I'm surprised myself! Figured they would've used straight serial numbers for longer than they did.


My goal in life is to some day have enough disposable money that I'll consider paying for WinRAR just for the hell of it. Nowadays, there's always something else I'd rather use the money on.

Pietro Gagliardi

The "Thank you for support" dialog box on the older versions is the best part tbh. Everything about it is perfect: the fact it's a stock message box, the warning icon, the weird but still correct grammar, the title...

Ossi K

I still prefer WinRAR over 7zip because 7zip doesn't handle broken archives well.


"RAR... it's a weird word". It gets weirder: the actual Dutch word for weird is "raar", which is effectively pronounced like you say "RAR", there.


Not always, TOM Productions still wants to see some Euros for Game of Robot I-IV. ^^' Thing is, i would sponsor a key to Clint if he would like to make an episode about an obscure German shareware game. :)


Still using PKZip 2.04G as part of my telnet BBS system. Heck, don't change it if it still works. LOL!


Actually I did register WinRAR, but I think I lost the registration key, and probably don't have that E-mail address I registered it under. I bet it's been 15 or 20 years!


Technically, you've violated the license agreement by installing it on multiple PCs! ;-) Funny, never thought RAR would still be a thing. I mean, the last time I used it was in DOS to extract a pirated copy of a Lucas Arts game. We used to create RAR archives from installation folders and split it across multiple floppy images on the fly which as far as I remember was a killer feature in the 90s. Oh man.

Kris Asick

Fun Fact: I have a registered copy of WInZIP Self Extractor back on my old Win98SE system as I was originally going to use it to distribute my software, but ultimately settled on the NSIS Installer. :B


Just checked and Eugene Roshal is still alive (according to Wikipedia, not edited to be dead yet)—born in 1972, he was what, 21 when he developed RAR in 1993 and 23 for WinRAR in 1995. I was morbidly curious because a long time ago I had a piece of address book software (specifically, "Address Book" for MacOS) where the updates stopped coming and someone figured out the programmer had died.

Seán Byrne

I wonder if WinRAR 6 still lets one compress files into a RAR file after the 40 day trial. They long had a freeware UnRAR command line utility, so I presumed they allowed endless use of WinRAR to extract files, much like how an unlicenced Ms Office installation can still open and print Word documents, but not permit editing. I never actually tried compressing something back when I used WinRAR.


Thank you for doing this.

Jason Wellband

Do WinZip next :P I remember paying for that when I finally got my first job.


oh my god you get me every time with the dates


"zoom cat filter lawyer" in the trending Google searches. That's how we know this was for sure recorded in the past couple of days!


Pretty much the same as Total Commander. Works back to very early version. Bought it just to support the dev, because it's also nagware.


It's almost a Patreon business model, where people who really like it can chip in something (though I'm sure you're right that commercial licenses are their bread and butter.)


I noticed the later versions say "Alexander Roshal". Is that his son?


I registered it way back in 2013, after getting fed up one night with the nag screens when working on minecraft mods every other day , ha ha!


I registered back in 2005, it was version 3.0 at that time. Haven't used it in a long time, 7-zip is the one I use now.


After using WinRar for nearly >10 years i also registered my Version back in 2017. Feels good now <3


Thanks as always for the very entertaining video, it's comforting to see how simple their key Engineering is and how generous they are with their software, that culture is long lost on mainstream soft now. Side question: How do you keep all those records on the walls without them getting damaged by dust, humidity and such? A blerb(s) around your record collection, how you showcase them and such would be lovely <3

Michael Steenbeek

Just for fun, you should contact them and ask for a genuine key for that ancient version that won't work with your new one. :P


I'm glad my patreon memberhip helped finance your purchase!

Asaf Sagi

I'm not ashamed to say that I am a paying customer of ACDSee. I even update every couple of years. For your next video, purchase a copy of mIRC!


I once registered WINZIP. Turned out that such things don't carry over to the next versions. More fool me for doing the right thing.


That takes me back. I remember using ACDSee v3 on W95/98 religiously. It was always part of a clean install.