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Seems we just blew past 1,000 patrons here! That's absolutely crazy to me, and insanely humbling.

Thank you so much for the continued support, everyone. It's meant the world to me and has helped make LGR better than it's ever been. And with the iffyness of YouTube these days, this is a great thing indeed. 2016 is shaping up to be a fantastic year :) 



Glad to be able to do something to help somebody create content I enjoy. Seeing how much you clearly enjoy what you do makes it quite rewarding to be here as far as I'm concerned. Keep doing what you do. I know I appreciate the effort!


You're creeping up on the $3k/month mark, too! Gotta say, I'm loving the quality and quantity of the videos lately, and a lot of my friends have been linking me to you asking if I'd heard of you! Even my not-so-techy friends watch your stuff. It's pretty amazing. But not surprising! You do great work, and this is your reward. I'm proud to be in some small way a part of that, and I look forward to more to come!


I'm always glad to donate a few extra bucks to something I really enjoy. It's an important form of entertainment for me, and I can see that you love what you do. Thanks for making each day a little more light and fun. :)


Congrats, man. Love your stuff. The thrifting is so fun, and the tech tales are really interesting. I'm not techy at all, but your enthusiasm makes it enjoyable regardless. Seriously I binged on all the available thrifting eps when I found your channel initially. Please keep sharing your joy about all this stuff :D (btw sorry if you get some comment-related spam, I tried to edit and it seemed to go a little bananas on my end).


Thanks for keeping your Patrons in mind with early access etc. Funny how many Patreon artists quickly forget Patreon exists.


Patreon has been a blessing for you. With the current state YouTube is in I don't think you could do what you are doing now. I am glad to be part of that.


That's amazing! I'm so glad YouTube and Patreon have been such a vehicle of success for you and I'm honored to be a part of it. You make amazing content and thus far are the only person on YouTube I'm even willing to support financially. On another note, I just realized that I've been watching your channel for two years now. As soon as you post anything, I watch it. Thank you so much for all that you do Clint and keep up the amazing work!


Hey Clint! One quick question. I'm not sure if this is the place to ask or if you even know the answers as of yet. But I'm curious to know how YouTube Red has affected things for you or if because I mostly watch your videos here on Patreon earlier than they hit YouTube you actually get revenue from my views. I have a YouTube Red subscription because I don't like ads but I don't want to be contributing to a negative situation for creators such as yourself. What has your experience been with YouTube Red so far?




Youtube seems like a unstable place to depend on for income these days, I hope that #wtfu can make a change this year. It's nice to know I can keep my favourite channels up like this. Keep doing what you do, ruin the lives of your sims in a thrift shop, while wearing burgers on your head and playing doom like it's pinball...with balls of of steel. Also, I still want a "my nostalgia is better than your logic" shirt.


We love ya, buddy! :)

Troy Wilkins

You deserve it mate, although I must say, patreon seems to be at least a little broken, as despite there being money in my account, and me making sure that everything is setup correctly, at the top of every page here I still get "Your pledge to Lazy Game Reviews didn't go through. [Update your payment information]"


Clint, I'm speaking for myself here but I think others may agree... You're a likable guy that people feel they can relate to. Your videos are funny, smart, articulate and entertaining. I really appreciate that you have an authenticity to your hobby (which is now a full time job) and your excitement for this subject is contagious.


Keep up the good work Clint! I agree with everyone commenting in saying that your content is fantastic, and an excellent blend of videos.

Justin Dotson

Well you make awesome videos so you deserve it. Where else am I going to get the latest news on the Adventures of Ninja Nanny?


Congrats of the 1k. It's only a matter of time before a television network picks you up.


Hey good to see you do well man, just don't start doing prank videos 😁


Congratulations! Get rich and stay awesome :)


You are good at what you do, work hard and deserve all the support you receive. Here's to a glorious future, about the past!


Congrats, Clint!


You've earned it, fella. *high-5*


Congratulations, Clint ! :) I must say I'm quite relieved to see that all is well. When Patreon corrected their displayed $ amounts I was quite shocked by the before/after difference ! Now it's at ~3K again, and advertising brings some more. Yay ! :) My hopes for this year : 1) That I'll be able to send you even more wanted stuff (games or whatever). Apydia, for instance (if the price goes *way* downn that is !) 2) That I'll be able to do more subtitles for your videos despite work and other stuff keeping me busy (or lazy) 3) More LGR, and about anything. (2a) Okay, maybe with some Amiga/Commodore in it, as I'm a fanboy of both since my youth. ^^' But it's only a suggestion) 4) And that Patreon will stop make me confirm my post with the Enter key when I meant to add a new line ! >_<


Congratulations dude! :D


Congrats Clint you work harder than a lot of youtubers Its funny your Lazy but very rarely Lazy. Cheers man.


Congrats glad to have helped in some small capacity and you've been a constant inspiration for my own MSX videos.


Love the channel. Am I remembering correctly in that I saw you picked up a CoCo in your last Thrifts video? Looking forward to seeing what you do with that. My dad sat me in front of one pretty much before I could walk and it was truly the beginning of my geekery. Very fond memories.