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It's December! But it's not Christmas episode time quite yet. I haven't made up my mind on it but I may end up doing only one of those this year. There just isn't a whole lot of interesting holiday-related computer left stuff to cover at this point.

Soooooo, it's onto another old school MIDI module! This time it's all about Yamaha's "Hello! Music!" bundle from late 1992/early '93, which combined the CBX-T3 with a selection of Windows 3.1 software from Passport Designs. As far as early General MIDI devices go, it’s a rather forgotten one compared to the well-known offerings from Roland. Or even those from Yamaha themselves.

I had quite a fun time putting this one together, too. Typically I stick to the MIDI playback side of things and don't go into MIDI creation. But since that is such a major facet of this kit from Yamaha, I felt inclined to go just a little deeper in the latter half of the video. Hope you enjoy!


Hello! Music! Yamaha's $450 Windows 3.1 MIDI Kit from 1992



Rick Green

Kind of wish the Christmas Clint this year would be.... Less joyful than usual. Going "Christmas...." instead of "CHRISTMAS!"


Omg always wanted this. Not because of the sound will maybe a little. But I just like having devices connected to the computer.


I always found the Yamaha stuff interesting!!


Very cool stuff! I never used the Yamaha. Only the Roland RAP-10 card. The program I used was Jammer 4.0.... It had adjustments for effects. Fairly simple controls. But, it was fine for doing a lounge duo....


Love it! Tiny, tiny correction: those are unbalanced TS (tip-sleeve) cables, not TRS (tip-ring-sleeve). TRS are balanced.


Ahh Jammer, that sounds familiar. Is that the same as WinJammer I wonder? I got it on some shareware disc back in the day.


It's still a very special feeling :) Getting a musical instrument communicating with a computer is just the best.


Aw yeah. Hope you find this one interesting too! It's got some unique sounds compared to its contemporaries.

Phakorn Sripayak

Lowkey want Anders Enger Jensen and Doctor Mix to mess with this! BTW the track you wrote is really good. Pretty catchy.


Thank you! I'd love to hear what they could come up with on this setup, too. Results are fascinating being restricted by old software.


Nice transition going into the Quiktunes screens. If you've used that before, I hadn't noticed until now.


Also, did Driving remind anyone else of Brodyquest?


I fully expect all your background LGR music to now be made this way, no exceptions. Nice to see this since there hasn't been a new upload on 8 Bit Keys in a while.

Tyler Compton

I can't believe you resisted the urge to play passport.mid on that Passport midi player! I really enjoyed seeing you use some classic Windows 3.1 productivity software 👍

Kris Asick

Hunh... watching how you make music is so weird to me... I'm used to doing full compositions where I have control over every note throughout the entire length of a song so what you were doing with manually turning loops on and off on the fly to create a composition kinda broke my head. But yeah, that Trax program looks like it would frustrate me to no end; fortunately, my first experience with MIDI composition was Cakewalk in the late 90s. ;)

Joon Choi

Great stuff! A real nice complement to the Roland videos and lets you demonstrate your heretofore unknown / lesser known musical talents!


I kinda wanted to hear the "disk orch" mode play doom music lol


I really enjoyed this. I can't help but wonder how midi devices like this would fair on modern systems running Linux.


Great intro/hook! Loved all of it!


Passport.mid didn't come with Windows 3.1, that was 95 and later! Could've copied it over of course but still. Authenticity or something :)


Indeed, I miss David's uploads over there! I know he's said he doesn't have much more to cover without things getting into increasingly complex devices, but still. The channel Alex Ball is worth a watch though, he does some really good documentaries on synths. Along with some fun quick looks at retro devices and silly "porno music" stuff :)

Peter Metzger

Pedantry police here with another teeny tiny correction: around 4:00 you say "MU30" and show an MU80. P.S. love love love your videos on MIDI and music stuff in general

Alyxx the Rat

As a music producer this is content I'd love to see more of. I love your synth setups on Twitter and I always feel a bit envious of your hardware. This looks amazing despite how primitive it is to use. I feel spoiled with FL Studio, lol.


So, when can I pick up an LGR vinyl? I'd love a collection of songs you made using this :)


Thank you, for both statements! MIDI and music stuff are some of my favorite things to cover bar none. Will fix the MU80 mix-up :)


I'd imagine pretty well! I know they work nicely on modern Mac OS and Windows, and even within programs like DOSBox and ScummVM :)


Heh, yeah I've always found multi-length loops to be a really fun time. There's an almost marksman-like quality to it when trying to activate and deactivate things in time.


Thanks, Joon! Definitely makes me want to dive into some of the similar devices I have some Korg, Akai, Kawai and so on. There's so much out there to explore with vintage music gear!


Whoa, those midi player animations are aesthetic as hell


That mix at the end, just wonderful!!! Excelent video, lots of fun and quite a lot of content: great intro, oddware, midi stuff and live music! LGR: All the bang for your buck!


You got that right! After spending several days in Trax I had to open up FLS20 again just to whip up a "cleanser" track, haha. Seriously, just being able to accurately drag and drop *alone* is a relief.


It's actually one of my biggest goals! I've talked to some producers about what it might take to master such a thing and bring it to production someday. Only ideas at the moment, but still :)


I'm not-so-secretly hoping someone takes advantage of the downloads I provided for the software and manages to rip them outta there. They need to be shared and dropped into some modern music visualizers.


Thank you! This really was one of the more enjoyable videos to put together in a while since it covered so many enjoyable bases. And just music, music is always fun.


I actually loved your little song at the end. Well done!!!