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Hi again, folks! Been a busy couple weeks over here but I finally got this one finished. Not in time for Halloween like I'd hoped, but eh, it benefitted from the extra time.

Just a classic LGR retrospective taking a look back at Doom 3 from 2004. It's one of those games that almost seems like there's nothing left to say about it, but well, here I am saying things about it. Bizarre that it's been around for over sixteen years now, what in the world.

That's all for now though! Work is continuing on the other projects I've had on the table for a month or two, with the next episode most likely being about a downright bizarrely designed computer system from 1995.

Have a good week, and stay safe out there!


Doom 3 - 16 Years Later: An LGR Retrospective

an LGR thing.



Every time I see footage of this game, I can't believe it's not from the Xbox 360 era


Good night for a 25 minute LGR video! Going to make myself an old fashioned and watch this and some Star Trek.


This is damn sure the kind of content I needed today


I have a general question just out of curiosity. I've been noticing LGR blerbs have been, shall we say, creeping up a bit in production value over time. More editing, bringing in images, more in-depth looks at things. I'm sort of wondering where in your view the line is between your main channel and blerbs?

Evan B

I never did finish that game. I remember also being so hyped for it -- I went out and upgraded my PC and got a 9600xt just so I could play it


Nothing's changed on my end, I still crank them out in an hour or so. Unlike LGR videos where every second is planned and crafted over the course of one to two weeks. The rule for Blerbs is that they are not scripted, researched, or anything of the sort. Even the editing is extremely simple stuff, mostly just to cut out planes passing by or me coughing or to remove incorrect statements I made. It really is just me turning on a camera and rambling. Sure, sometimes I have relevant images to show or history to present, but it's all either stuff I already know or resources that I've gathered while working on something else.


It's worth spending a weekend playing through! Did you end up playing any other notable stuff on that card instead?


I hear that! It still looks good to me, even if I know it'd look a lot worse with bright lighting haha

Doug McArthur

This was after I moved from PC gaming to consoles, so I missed this entire generation of games. So cool to look back on, though. Were there any long stretches of time for you where you just weren’t gaming that you later revisited?


For me it was kind of the opposite, in a way! I missed out on almost the entire 6th gen of consoles, not even getting a PS2, Xbox or Gamecube until into the next generation.


Every time I try to give this game a chance I get equally disappointed with the 'round console-y' type of graphics as I did back then. I guess that feeling is baked in for good now.

Valora Inverse

One I've been meaning to play, though I've got no qualms about using the version with the attached light. I do respect what the original was going for, but it's definitely a mechanic I can live without. ...that, and since the majority of my gaming ends up on consoles these days, I don't really have a choice with the port. :P


I think this was the first game I ever actually pre-ordered! I really enjoyed my play through as well, it scratched a gamer itch I didn't know I had.


I loved these games! Just grab yer gear and KILL EVERYTHING!! Great for getting rid of stress. I remember turning the gamma up and not using the flashlight..... heheheheheheh Fun video!


Glad you enjoyed it! Definitely guilty of cranking up the gamma on certain levels back in the day myself, heh


Likewise, in a way it set me on a path to appreciating and seeking out similar (and even better!) horror experiences after playing it. It got me psyched for FEAR as a result the following year, when otherwise I might not have been interested.


Heh, I've never heard it put that way. It does have a certain rounded and chunky aesthetic for sure, something that so many console games in the Xbox 360/PS3 generation took on. So it's amusing that Doom 3 was a PC exclusive, at least at first!


Yeah I really wish they'd offer a "traditional Doom 3 experience" option in BFG Edition, just for jerks like me who like to complain about new stuff, haha. It really is the most convenient way to play the game though.


I am one of the disappointed Doom fans, bought it new, played it and it was... ok... a bit meh but ok enough. Yes, i expected Doom 3 to be like Doom 1 and 2 but with better graphics, which Doom 2016 finally gave me.


Totally understandable, I've gone back and forth on that exact point over the years. Love what the new Dooms offer though, they're a great mix of fresh and classic gameplay.


Nice. Never played Doom 3. I'll have to pick it up.


Have you tried the VR patch?


I just happen to be reading Masters of Doom by chance.


I recently built a "reasonably good" XP gaming machine, so this seems like the perfect game to play on that. Been meaning to play it for years, but never got round to it...


It's an ideal CPU/GPU benchmark for the mid-2000s, if nothing else! Only fully surpassed by Crysis a few years later.


Hey have you heard of the game Garage: Bad Dream Adventure? What an odd game, with only a few thousand copies in existence. I watched a playthough and was strangely captivated by this point and click unsettling Japanese game.


For some reason I keep thinking about it. It's very Japanese too, with the plot revolving around an untrue plane of reality, a "sense of self" meter, bad attitudes towards women. (lol)


I've had this game (the original, not the BFG edition) in my Steam library for years and I have yet to launch it (hell, the majority of my Steam library suffers from that), because every time I remember it exists is in the middle of one of my no-FPS phases, which randomly pop up and make me not want to play any FPS game. Weird, I know, but I also suffer from motion sickness with many of these games, so maybe it's my body's way to tell me "It's not the right time for it". But I actually am in the mood for some FPS goodness right now, and your video might have just suggested my next victim.


I'm surprised you didn't mention the "potato mode" hack you tried a few years back to make it run on graphics cards much older than intended. Would have been a good laugh again to see that.


For a second I thought Dr Betruger was Michael Ironside!