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Greetings, folks! Got a simple LGR vid for you this week while I continue working on a new Oddware episode, among other more involved things.

But yeah, in the meantime here's a look at the upcoming "HD remaster" of the classic DOS platformer from Apogee, Crystal Caves! Yeah, this exists and it's awesome.

The game should hopefully be released on October 15th from what I'm told, and there's still no word on pricing. But I was given the go-ahead by Apogee to start sharing some preview coverage for y'all! It's really quite a pleasant update to one of my personal favorite DOS games, although honestly I'm impressed it's even a thing at all. Can't say that Crystal Caves, or its sibling Secret Agent, are very high on mainstream lists of best DOS games, haha. And the fact that a piece of fan-made pixel artwork shared on Twitter somehow turned into an official remake of Crystal Caves, complete with a full-blown level editor and a brand new episode to play? Yeah, this is just prime DOS gaming fan service, I'm pretty psyched :)

Anyway, back to work on obscure Japanese PC stuff. Stay tuned for that and have a good week!


Checking out Crystal Caves HD! Apogee's 1991 DOS Classic Remade

an LGR thing.



I'm intrigued with Japanese PC stuff.

Doug McArthur

I sunk a lot of hours into this and Secret Agent as a kid. Definitely going to check out the remaster.


Oh man, I played the crap out of this waaaay back then.


Getting this in before the inevitable wave of YouTube comments pointing it out. At 19:14, the "VeeGer" name seems to be another Star Trek reference, to the V'Ger space cloud thing that Kirk and co. have to find a way to stop.


Wow! Looks good. I only just remember the original. Don't think I ever got to play it back then. Nice one!


I never quite got into Crystal Caves as a kid, but loved Secret Agent. Go figure!


There's something oddly charming about these old DOS platformers, I played this when I got that one Apogee pack on Steam a few years ago and it's good simple fun, very similar to Secret Agent and Duke 1 though. I couldn't possibly see this remake being a smash hit but I'll check it out, hope they plan more!


I haven't played Crystal Caves, but having played a ton of Cosmos' Cosmic Adventure as a kid the pink snake, blue ball, and green bouncy tadpole thing are uncanny to see here.


Imagine HD Duke 1 and Duke 2

Magnus Köhler

These sound effects, enemies and animations. I'm having childhood flashbacks to a game I had completely forgotten.


I agree that the music should be adlib. Mixing old and new is one thing, but this is mixing old with different, incompatible old, which I think is less excusable. My big peeve though (and it's my personal crusade to make everybody else as annoyed by this as I am) is a problem I see with way too many pixelly indie games. The sprites move in a much too analogue and smooth way, not snapped to the actual pixel matrix of the virtual screen! You should not be able to move by fractions of a pixel! That's not how pixels work!


I never got to play this one back then, but man, if Secret Agent were to get the same treatment, I'd start dancing like Jean Claude Van Damme in that movie. Maybe I should try to do some pixel art recreation to get the attention of the developers. Can't say I have the talent for it, but well... Someone's gotta do it.


Japanese PC stuff eh? Do I smell DOS/V? :D


Published on the same day it was recorded? There's nothing Lazy about that Lazy Game Review! This did feel like one of your old videos when you were super excited about DOS games. It was a treat. Thanks!


Wait, did you not ever shoot the eggs to spell BONUS? Am I remembering that right?

Kris Asick

One of the enemy types in the original Crystal Caves was a sort of purple snake which popped out of the walls... are the brown snakes just those redone or do the purple wall snakes show up too? :o


Probably one of my favourite DOS games of all time, and my favourite Apogee release next to Duke Nukem 2. Can't wait for this!


VeeGer is yet another Trek reference (V'ger from ST:TMP).


This one passed me by "back in the day" but I've heard great things about it and this remake / remaster looks awesome! Looking forward to checking it out when it's released. 😊


Yes! 100% this! As well as different sized pixels in the same scene! Completely ruins the effect for me.


But where are the microtransactions???


i can't believe you didn't shoot the air generator even once! that was my favourite thing to do in this game as a kid :D


You know what... I agree. The music would fit the game better if it was in the style of Adlib Soundblaster. I'm at least hoping that the flaw in episode 3 where there is a part of the map you can't escape unless you go there last, gets fixed in this version of the game. Also, here's hoping that Secret Agent will also get a remake in this style, along with other Apogee classics with much need improvements.


This remake is clearly a labor of love. I love the smooth animations that manage to retain the original retro look. But I was also thinking the exact same thing when I heard the music: a NES synth chiptune just doesn't fit with a DOS game. Adlib FM synth would indeed have been perfectly appropriate. I'm frankly susprised that the game developers didn't realize that, since they were so spot on with everything else, including the PC speaker sound effects.


It’s our generations time to shine, the remakes we have all been waiting for.


This is a great video :) I loved the nerdy talk and the sound of "pc speaker"