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Hrm. Somehow this ended up being just over an hour long, making it the longest mail opening video so far. And that's after cutting it down from over three hours of footage! Welp. Hope you're in the mood for a whole buncha retro stuff in quick succession!


The next video will be a rather amusing build video involving a mixture of old and new hardware, if all goes according to plan. I'm currently waiting on a couple parts to show up since it turns out some of the ones I had on-hand didn't physically fit, but the rest should be good to go after that.

Have a good week, folks! And thanks as always for all your support, whatever form it ends up taking. It's positively overwhelming, in a positively positive way :)


Unboxing September 2020

an LGR thing.



I got 360p, but then again, this is literally 4min since the initial post.


Three hour Blerb! Three hour Blerb! Three hour Blerb!

Carey Brown

I'm seeing 360p only myself as well. Yay YouTube slowness!! Also I'm willing to bet that little Mac OS 9.2 picture on Twitter was from that G4 PowerMac in the thumbnail (guessing it's a G4 gigabit ethernet model based on the looks of it)


Great to see that the playcard card-cd's arrived! If there's cracks, I've got many more to send if needed 😄


I can't wait for a full report on the playcard cds!


I am similarly psyched to dive into those. Finding precious little info about them, it's gonna be fun.


Welp. I uploaded this video this morning, about five hours ago now. Just seems to be taking longer than normal and tossing up errors in my YouTube dashboard. Guess that's what I get for making an hour-long 4K60 video.


So excited to see you get that APS film scanner! Based on the Techmoan video, you may have to source film that was developed in the late 90s or early 2000s to get it to read the coding on the film. Modern film labs don't typically have the machines to properly process them, and will just develop it like typical 35mm film. It would also be neat to see you and your brother colab.


Very cool unboxing video! Those icons on the Susan Kare print blanket are an actual font titled Cairo. It shipped with early versions of the Macintosh System software (I think up until System 7.1). It was the first "dingbats" type font which used graphics instead of text. This font was heavily referenced in Kid Pix (at least the Macintosh version), which featured color versions of these graphics in the stamps. I also have some processed APS film I picked up form the thrift store, so if your brother doesn't have any you're welcome to a roll or two. Oh and that G4 looks to be in beautiful shape... I can't wait to see some of these goodies in future videos :-)


Wow 1h?! Awesome!!!!


Now these are the unboxing videos I love.


Yes! A loooooong unboxing video :D I love binge watching these long unboxing videos!


Go-to thread for all things 3D Blaster VLB & CGL: https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=75868


That box chock full of cards reminds me of the days I worked for a used computer store and resale warehouse. Building computers from whatever random parts were just tossed bulk into boxes.


Pretty sure I crapped myself when I saw the 3D Blaster.


I think I have a roll of APS film from some trash pile. It's definitely developed, and likely not recently. I unspooled a couple frames and it looked like some party pictures (trash picked, so no idea who). I was going to scan it on a regular flatbed film scanner ... someday (a.k.a. never) so you're welcome to it if you want it.


So, whatsa a guy gotta do to get one of them there signed floppies? Asking for a friend.


Simplest way is to select the signed floppy reward here on Patreon 👍 Otherwise just email me and we can figure something out.


Excellent! I always enjoy seeing what people send in. Totally jealous of the 5150..... Well done, Sir!

Rick Green

Interesting how that Wordperfect 2000 for Linux box includes Railroad Tycoon 2 Gold inside. It would be interesting for Clint to do a review of the game, swapping between the Windows, Mac OS, and Linux versions.


I actually picked up a BUNCH of stuff from Tran before I moved a couple years ago. Would you like any of it? Happy to email you a list and some pics


Bro, we gotta have an Encyclopedia Of Sex Blurb video.


I could not believe my eyes - a whole hour! Hell yes! Just the right thing for me, I really like this format, thanks Clint :)


I lived in St. Louis as a kid in the 1980s, and I had no idea that Famous-Barr sold or serviced computers. They were an old school department store, much like (and eventually bought by) Macy's.


My grandpa always called it "Famous and Barr," but he also talked about "Sears and Roebuck."


Clint, please post a picture of you using the Burger-Mouse while wearing your Burger King headphones!


Hyper Neo Geo 64...ooh good stuff!


I grew up with a Psion II, my brother had the games pack with his and it had the coolest little sub game on it. I do still have the parallel port cable if you'd like it Clint, I noticed yours did not have it in the box. Also to put the battery in, slide the cover down and give it a sharp tug at the bottom and it will come off allowing you to insert a battery! Enjoy!


Time for LGR After Dark review series.


Ah so that's how, thanks for the tip! The parallel port cable would be great, I haven't yet sourced one. Feel free to send a message or an email :)


45:00 I'm touching myself right now...


Commenting while I watch, but those "playcards" would be an awesome form factor for some Shareware Titles. Jazz Jackrabbit and such.


Damn that IBM "laptop" is awesome! And the G3 Powerbook too, I bought myself one of those a month or so ago and just finished setting it up as triple boot with OS9.2.2, OS10.2.8 and Debian 8 (the last Linux distro to support PPC, and still have an accessible package repository). If you need some help with it just fire a message... https://imgur.com/a/BWn2gbC - Also can't help thinking that Apple might have read the burger mouse's "ergonomic" claim prior to deciding to make their own round atrocity...