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Time for something a little different, yet familiar.

With the future of frequent thrifting rather up in the air at the moment, I decided to go ahead with this idea I've had for a while: electronic thrifting! Which is really just online shopping, ha. In particular, we're taking a look at the Shop Goodwill website, where stores from around the country list various things for auction.

This whole concept is something I've wanted to try for a long time actually, going back to well before the pandemic was a thing. But now seems like the ideal time to give it a go and see if anyone likes it. Lemme know your thoughts!



LGR eThrifts - Ep. 1: The ShopGoodwill Run

let's go eThrifting!



Been waiting for this one Clint, can't wait to get dug into this video with the wife and kid, ironically we're out thrifting and yard saleing right now lol...so I have to wait til later 🤣🤣


Impressed by the variety of things you found online, this works pretty well given the constraints - also those dolls!


Awesome video! I'd love to see some eBay "thrifting". This is a great substitute for the regular thrifts :)


You know, I could really go for a "how to eThrift" type video, as I seemingly /suck/ at thrifting online, and the offline thifting in this area is... um... 'bad'. We'll go with 'bad'. Mostly because there is someone else shopping for the exact same set of things I am (we met about a year ago after competing for the same things for a decade), and most of the stores around here have gone to the "Go to eBay, look up the most expensive sale in the past year, ask for 25% more" approach. :(


I really enjoyed this. The only wish I had while watching it is seeing you put in more bids. Overall, personally, I want to see more of this.


An Apple II 1Mb?! Who on Earth would ever need more than 640K?! In all seriousness, the video didn't have -for me, at least- the appeal of the Thrifting series. Something about the anticipation of 'what might be on that assorted parts shelf' is missing when you have the tabs opened previously... Maybe if you can just browse 'live' and just follow the links to see where they take you, like it happened with that iMac, the rare Charizard card or the listings for perfume. Nonetheless you kept it entertaining and fun (rusted oven, someone?). Thanks for keeping up the great content even under these circumstances!


brilliant idea! they need a vr goodwill app


Fantastic way to keep the loved series alive despite the obstacles we face :) !!!


This was made exactly how you described though: just browsing live and commenting as I come across things. No pre-opened tabs, nothing was planned, just me looking around for things to talk about! All the time spent aimlessly clicking around was cut in order to keep things moving, in the same way I cut out all the aimless wandering in normal Thrifts. Perhaps I can make it more apparent in the future if I continue this though :)


It'd be fantastic if there was a VR app that combined auction sites and a VR thrift store. Like you could browse listings by walking around a virtual space with each item on the shelf. Ahh, that may be the future.


I wish I had some great advice, but honestly? When it comes to bidding on niche items online you have to either, A: have a ton of patience and perseverance to find what you want at a decent price, or B: accept that more people looking often means a larger price tag by default. No real magic solutions, unfortunately, which is why you see me paying a few hundred dollars for a single video card in this very episode 🤷‍♂️


Glad you enjoyed it! Heh, people always say I should buy more stuff in normal Thrifts as well. Thing is, I really REALLY don't need 99% of what I find, either online or in person. So I only spend my money on things I know I'll use, or that I'll make an LGR video about :)


I'd like to do some eBay stuff in the future! I've got way more to share there in terms of useful search terms and buying tips.


Haha, those dolls... I can't believe they actually titled it CREEPY DOLLS. Tells you just what you need to know straight away.

Hugo Cardozo

I wanted to check out the Dell lot too 😂 And next I would like to see Clint raving at some absurd EBay listings. Like a old, beaten-up, no-name 486 box priced at $500, sans shipping


The auction is currently active, too! Still no bids yet. https://www.shopgoodwill.com/Item/102323231


Very interesting! I suppose that I knew about the online Goodwill auctions. I just never looked. Some crazy stuff out there, for sure! We must have the worst Goodwill around. I've tried to find stuff a good number of times. Gave up. There never seems to be anything good....


Awesome! But when will we get some more LGR Foods content? The world wants to know!


I recently visited the middleman buyee website in order to interface with Yahoo Auctions Japan (I don't know a lick of japanese). I used it to get my hands on any Roland sound canvas (I ended up winning a SC-88ST) which complements my NA Roland mt-32 well. I use that one's power supply to go around the 100 VAC out-of spec issue of the Japanese unit. Perhaps other vintage gear can be found on there, like Pc98 stuff which is absolutely alien to me


Hi Clint. I love the eThrifts format and I would love to see it again. What other goodwill websites are there? Some eBay listings donate all the profits to charity, I believe there's a filter for that when searching for listings. Interesting fact: In the UK we call them charity shops, not goodwill stores! Jason.


The office I used to work in had a Bose Soundwave that was on every single day for background sound. They really do sound good! I remember thinking people that had them when I was younger were rich.


Grabbed a gtx 970, and some other computer parts


This was fun to watch, I have gotten some cheap camera gear from there before. It might be interesting to see whats ending soonest in some categories or scrolling through pages of listings without bids for some randomness


I think this is a great idea. And it should be easier to find more interesting things online. I am not so interested in stuff like zippo lighters and so on. So to me it would be better with just retro electronic stuff. Old computers, consoles, radio's TV's and such. That's also why regular thrifting video's became less interesting when you didn't find so much of that.


I was lucky to get my hands on an iMac G4/800 for $10 2 years ago at a thrift store and won a PS2 system w/ the HDD/network adapter for $12 + tax and S&H and a slim PS2 for $5 (was $20, but it was the Leap Year sale). Also lucky to score a 386DX/486DLC for $10 3 months ago. Got 4 PS2 systems for crying out loud.


I definitely enjoyed this format and would like to see more of it! On the subject of eThrifting, I lucked out recently when I ordered Forza Horizon 2 for Xbox 360 (for weird novelty collecting reasons) from Seattle Goodwill selling on Amazon. They described the condition as "used - good", saying " All our items include the original disc(s) in the original case, though original manuals/booklets may not be included." They in fact sent a new sealed copy. A shame that doesn't happen more often, haha.


I guess the "e" stands for "expensive". Makes sense when you're competing against the whole nation/world. Also, lol at Wii condoms.


Oh, and I enjoyed the format. I like how you showed things like an old Jesus painting and a lot of creepy dolls. Made it much more of a Thrifts experience.


I liked it. It works.


Yey! Thrifts is back! eThrifts really works and I would love to see more. Even though it isn't quite the same, you really have managed to keep the same feel and atmosphere as the normal non-e episodes :)


Re: ending soonest. I have a saved search on eBay for “IOB” or new in box items with 0 bids ending in less than 1 hour. I check it every once in a while and it’s a wild ride of randomness.


That weird PC controller/joycon thing would make prime oddwear...

Joon Choi

Liked the ethrifting concept a lot. Different vibe from regular thrifts but entertaining nonetheless. I must say I was really grossed out by those partially used lotions and perfumes. Who would bid ANY money for those things??

Seth C

Great video LGR! New format is cool! I have a full Wii setup with LED touchpad and a ton of accessories (entire sports kit) etc that you can have for free!

DFawlt Uzr

Aaahhhh yisssss!! I have been waiting for this since the start of this pandemic 😂 Update: just finished watching, I had a good time with this video, it's just nice to see someone else doing the same thing I do when I'm bored. It's like a Let's Play on a game you enjoy playing hahaha.


I like it, and would enjoy seeing more of the same.


I remember the Aurora Model Monitoring set! o: I used to play with it as a kid- until I got shocked, do to the isolation on the cables slowly decaying xD


Its kind of funny when you think about it. The whole episode is you commenting on things you find on Goodwill's store, which is basically what you do in person. I like it! Its definitely less interesting then the regular thrifts since the stores have a much more "random" feel.


Duke voice: "Dang, I wanna stick my cash in there.".


Loved this! I'd love to see a "rabbit hole" segment included: find an item you have interest in, then keep clicking through "related" or "recommended" auctions/items until you stumble upon something really weird.


Though I still prefer the in-store visits, you made the eThrifts concept very interesting and delightfully random! While I hope that you can go back to the old Thrifts in the future, I do appreciate that you're going to try to give us more of what we love AND stay safe at the same time, so I will be watching all the eThrifts for sure!


This is a good idea! Keep making these!


Wow the old pyrex bowls, I am 53 and still remember my grannies using them!

Kris Asick

Only feedback I would suggest is to go beyond Goodwill and thrift around lots of different websites, as it got a little mundane seeing only the Goodwill web interface for 20 minutes. :P


Great idea. I really enjoyed it. The mix between retro tech and oddities is great :).


“The Mac Plus is at a Goodwill in (Western Missouri and Eastern) Kansas.” WHERE IS THE BID BUTTON


I find it crazy how much corona lockdown there still iss in the world while we in germany are shopping like there is nothing. If it wheren't for these masks people wouldn't even know that there is a pandamic. Man what a good time to life in germany right now.


I really enjoyed that - hope you continue with this whilst the world pieces itself back together


I genuinely wanted that G4 iMac. 😭😍

Asaf Sagi

With those auction prices, can one really call that "thrifting"? LGR presents: eSplurge


Well I for one enjoyed this alternative thrifting format. Please count this as a vote for continuing this. And thank you, this really cheered up my Monday Morning.

Robert Butler

lol I'm going to see if I can get that LD player for my birthday. Ugh.


Thank you for being responsible AND really fun to watch. eThrifts every week!


There's no lockdown here either really, but people are acting out in ignorance. Gathering in large groups, not wearing masks, and generally pretending like they're isn't a pandemic, which isn't something I want to take part in.


I really enjoyed the format. It is a bit strange you can't be that touchy-grabby with the things you find, but that's really unavoidable. Would definitely keep watching this format!


You totally lucked out with the Voodoo3. Was an interesting video. Might go there myself


I want a Tandy Executive Decision Maker

Lennart Sorensen

We don't have any Goodwill stores in the Toronto area anymore. They all suddenly closed 4 years ago, seemingly with some scandal in management involved.


That was awesome, I loved the format of the video, I would certainly enjoy more of those, it had the vibe of hanging out at a friends house on the weekend.


I enjoyed this format a bunch, it still felt like your other episodes. I've been playing around with some online browsing videos like this on my own, but very well executed. Oh and nice job on that Voodoo3 card, I'm glad you got it so we can see it in a future video. :-)


LGR - thanks for the new Ethrifting vid. Love your work. Please carry on! Stay safe.

Because Why-Nerd

LGR Thrift - The Covid Edition. Loved it. 😁


Familar, but not too familiar


That was rad 🤘🏼 Thank you kindly, good Sir.


lol. I have one of those Wylde Les pauls. Its called "Bullseye" by the way. And its great! For metal anyway. And awesome episode this eThrifts. Still... Dont forget the original concept when times get better. Kiitos!


I went looking for that clock radio when I saw this video. I would totally bid on that.


Also, regarding that Admiral radio: "Coated in..." ASBESTOS. That totally looks like asbestos.


I liked this new format! Can't compare it with classic Thrifts format, they are very different. I guess I like both formats. Keep up good work and thank you!


Awesome, I'm glad you enjoyed! I like both as well, hopefully this one can grow into more of its own distinct thing.


I really need an episode 2 in the near future!

Doug McArthur

Excellent way to stay safe and still peruse the amusing weirdness of thrift stores. I dig it!


I think a good concept would be to commit to bidding on at least 3 items every video.


Felt like a normal thrift. Maybe a little quick sometimes :)


Too much “auction fever” on there now. People overbid on very ordinary things.