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Greetings, all! It's the time of year for a bit of edutainment on LGR once again, kicking off with Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego from 1989. The fifth main game in the franchise and one that shook up the formula to an enjoyable degree. Still holds up nicely. It spawned its own TV game show, too!

On the broader topic of edutainment though, I've made the decision to not cover only edutainment throughout the entire month this year. Partly due to lack of interest on my part, and more for lack of interest on everyone else's. Retro games coverage in general doesn't do too well in terms of 'engagement' (bleh) and educational software from the 80s and 90s does worse as worse as the years go on. However, I felt thoroughly compelled to cover this one after getting the life-size Carmen Sandiego standee the other week, hehe. She's standing right behind me as I type. Staring. Judging.

That being said, I hope you enjoy "Where in Time" here, as well as the other title I'm thinking of covering later in the month! Got a whole lotta other stuff in the pipeline as well, some of it being serious "holy grail" kinda stuff. I'm definitely staying busy throughout this crazy time, that much is true. Slowly growing more and more mentally unhinged after 4 weeks of self-isolation, but who isn't.

Wishing you the very best in your part of the world, stay safe out there!


LGR Edutainment - Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego?

A retrospective on the 1989 edutainment game classic. Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego off to this time? That's right: TIME. Now she and the V.I.L.E. gang are messing with world history, so hop in your Chronoskimmer and catch them time, Time Cadets! ● LGR links: https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.twitter.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews ● Music courtesy of: http://www.epidemicsound.com #LGR #Edutainment #Retrospective



Is it already edutainment month again? Man time flies


Sorry to hear that the edutainment stuff doesn't do too well. Niche market for sure, but I for one have very fond memories of Carmen in particular. Very happy to see you're keeping busy, though. Helps with not going completely bananas. Paraguay (where I live) has been in full, nationwide lockdown for 3 weeks. I work from home anyways, but I do miss my family.


aw i love edutainment month, but you do what sparks joy and income dude!


Yeah it's a bit of a bummer, but I'm *far* more excited about some of the non-edutainment stuff I've got lying around to cover at the moment :)


Thank you for the well-wishes! It's funny, when I worked in an office every day, we always joked about how we'd rather be at home. Now we're all stuck at home, with nobody to even sarcastically say "wish I was at the office" to!! I guess on the upside, every day is No Pants Friday, so there's that.. :P


Staying busy and productive is helpful indeed, though not entirely successful at maintaining a healthy headspace when working from home. Stay safe over there, Marcos! Hopefully we'll both be able to see our families again someday soon.


Hey Clint, seriously this self-isolation is surely affecting me and my family. I've been working from home for almost a month now and I won't say I miss the office, but I do miss my coworkers. Sorry to hear the edutainment is not that popular, I sure enjoyed the ones you've covered over the years (I've just rewatched a couple of them). Keep up the good work and stay safe!

Joon Choi

This was the only Carmen Sandiego game I ever owned! Played it a ton on my old PS/1. Good times - thanks for the memories! WFH during this pandemic hasn’t been as bad as I thought it’d be but it’s been weird man. I live in NJ but work in midtown Manhattan normally, so I’m certainly glad not to be doing the 3.5 hrs of daily commuting right now, but I really miss the daily interactions with colleagues and my usual biz travel. Like you I think I’m keeping myself busier than normal just to stay sane. :) Stay safe and healthy bud!


I miss Lynne Thigpen.


It was really disorienting, seeing her in The Warriors after growing up with her as The Chief.


As a kid I grew up with the 97 remake. I enjoyed it back then. Maybe I should pick it up again. Also, around that time as a child I had a Where in the World is Carmen sandiego cassette tape. It had all kinds of music, from what I assume was the tv show. But I’m not sure.


I had a CSD game as a kid (can't remember which one) but I remember loving it. It's definitely a crazy, perplexing, time...I've created a new routine for myself to try to stay healthy mentally/physically whilst moored at my tiny apartment the last 3 weeks. I take solace in the fact everyone is going through this together (apart). Take care Clint!


This was my favorite Carmen game! Seeing this video tonight was such a great boost. Thanks!

Kris Asick

Instead of a "Time Limit" they should've just made it something fancy-sounding like, "Chronotether Power" which is what keeps the space-time continuum from being disrupted by your endeavours and if you run out you have to return immediately so that you don't end up destroying history yourself. 'cause yeah, a "Time Limit" when playing a game involving time travel is kind of a misnomer. :P


I can see how the channel has outgrown Edutainment Month to a certain extent, especially given that you spend a lot more time on hardware than games nowadays. That said, the Carmen Sandiego series was always my favorite. I never played the particular game, but I would have loved it back in the day.


"Retro games coverage in general doesn't do too well in terms of 'engagement'" Seriously? I thought it was a very popular subject. I guess people's erratic attention spans are not into it these days.


Seriously, yep. For a number of years, relative to my other videos retro games coverage is on the lower end during that critical first week. On average, they result in a ~30% loss in views and watchtime, which means the all-powerful YouTube algorithm buries my channel recommendations afterward.


It took a good while for me to get used to not having coworkers myself when I started YouTube full time. Depending on how long this lasts, I wonder if folks will just be getting used to their new isolated routine right about when workplaces open up again. And how many folks will either want WFH to continue, or will be more than happy to return to the office.


Oh man, yeah I imagine going from MANHATTAN to sitting at home all of a sudden is a real shock to the system. Wishing you the best on keeping it going, we'll get through it!


Hadn't hear of that tape before! Seems there are a number of them, neat: https://www.discogs.com/search/?q=%22carmen+sandiego%22&format_exact=Cassette&type=all


Amusingly enough the TV show version ended up making a course correction there! The show refers to the timer as "Fact Fuel" instead, and contestants have to rapidly answer pop quiz questions as a "Data Boost" to refill the fuel meter. I've not yet run across an episode where the contestants don't answer enough questions to keep playing though, haha.


Aye, the whole "together while apart" mentality is oddly comforting. It's been nice to commiserate with friends, family, colleagues, even strangers on Twitter or wherever. Shared experiences like this tend to reshape a society, so I'm hopeful for the future.


Definitely, so many new viewers have come in since I began Edutainment Month a decade ago. And those folks far outnumber the old school viewers, so whenever I post something like this it's always "wtf is this?!" Or more often, a massive number of subscribers just don't click to watch in the first place since they're subbed for other things. Evolving audiences are bizarre things, heh.


I no longer have the game but have the manual XD

Jim Leonard

I always wanted to ask how Edutainment Month did from an engagement standpoint, but now I don't have to.


Im glad we dont have a curfew and nobody (exept infected / endangered people) has to self isolate - i go out on daily walks (alone ofc) and enjoy the sun :-D - Benefits of living in the countryside i guess :-P On topic, strange youtubeshisms.... but ive expected that edutainment coverage doesnt do as well as "look at mee i play das Minekraftdingymajig so cheeky - BEST GAME IN 2020" shitcontent... well guess thats the world we live in, mindless sheeps *rant* :-D But anyhow, its really strange how i am apparently compleately not the norm in terms of video discovery and engagement things. So far nearly ALL of my videos i deliberately searched for. Yes i searched for a review of an older game, ended up on LGR and stuck with you ( your fault, not mine :-P ) i practically never use any kind of discovery feature on youtube (like recommended, home etc.) and i seem to be in the minority? I mean how else can this "first week" thing be so important... Its a bit sad that "flamboyancy" in terms of "clickbait" is more important these days for success on the tube than actual quality videos. Also that "notification stuff"..... i have a curated subscribed-count and only actually scubscribe to channels i want to watch, if a channel starts to spamm content where im only interested suddenly in 10% of its offering, i unsubscribe as i dont want my timeline to be clogged up - then i hear from people that are subbed to 200+ channels and need notifications and such... damn now i feel old ( mid 30's) - am i the only one that actually curates his own stuff? To end in a non rant positive note: Stellar funny video as always - please keep it comming, your videos (doesnt matter what, sims review, cities review, edutainment, oddware , techtales) are always a *open beer and throw up your legs on the couch* moment !


This was a great game, I remember playing it on my primary school Macs, along with the original Where is the World. Oh where have the decades gone :D

Elizabeth Sullivan-Burton

I always enjoy these! This was a game I didn't play at all as a kid. We had the original "Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego", the remake from 1996 and a fairly terrible trivia spin-off game called "Carmen Sandiego Think Quick." It's always cool to see other entries in the franchise!


wow I had no idea North Dakota was all the way up there


I loved this game in primary school on our Apple 2s. I do miss your retro game reviews, they're literally the reason why I watch your channel. I really hope that you can go back to your massive collection of old DOS games sometime and pick out another classic (or not so classic) to review. This video is definitely the sort of content I love from you and why I'm a Patreon! Take care.


the EGA is just glorious!


Such a trip down memory lane. Thanks !


It's also amazing to me how readily accessible the Desk Encyclopedia is for this game. I know that we don't use them anymore since, you know, the internet, but I needed a copy for my NES boxed version and one was easily found in mint condition for like a dollar online.

Jason Wellband

At first I thought I had this game growing up, but then I realized I had Where in America's Past is Carmen Sandiego :P


In addition to the game show, the game also inspired much of the animated series, which had a time travel story arc where Carmen had gone back in time and, among other things, made ACME a British agency operating out of the colonies in North America (The Chief was dressed like Sherlock Holmes, because of course he was).


@8:42 "The Great Cornholio" has entered the chat


Hey Clint! Have you ever done a video on registration cards? I remember them being absolutely ubiquitous, but I've never been able to pin down exactly what the company gained. Was it about getting good data on where their committed customer base was? Was it about being able to send them mailer ads? Or was it something else entirely?


Nah, doesn't really seem like a topic with enough meat on its bones. And yep, it largely was all about publishers getting useful data about who was buying their products! Plus it provided customers a way to receive product updates and make warranty claims.


Right? Back when I covered the first Carmen Sandiego I needed to find the original almanac it came with. Same thing, things of mint copies for cheap.


Ah totally makes sense haha. They've always seemed interesting, but I guess they're pretty much what they say on the tin. Well if you ever do make a video, or if you do a blerb about how you've used them to build a giant house of cards with them (lol) I'll be one of the first to watch :P