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LGR - PAX Prime 2015

Some of my thoughts on attending PAX in Seattle. More detailed videos on these topics will be coming soon!



Very nice overview. I'd wanted to go to a PAX / E3 for a long time, but I suffer from that being broke thing. This actually sated whatever appetite I had. It would be so much cooler if there were more groundbreaking games coming out, but as you said, there is not much new coming. Sure, we have a new DooM, new Dishonored, new 3D Realms stuff, but it's just going to be more of the same. I miss the days when we would have events to release something truly new, like when Quake came out way back when.


I'd have loved to check out the new Doom, but yeah, not playable there :/ The most interesting stuff by far was the at the indie games booths. Really unique stuff there.

Lindsay Michelle

8:40 - I see some fundamentalist protesters came to PAX, too!!! :D I guess they think it's a sin to have fun...? Anyways, you do sound really tired -- rest up! But I'm glad you had fun! Did you just record on your phone or did you bring an actual camera?

Justin Dotson

The uber Mad Max drivers would have been awesome. The problem is, I would have wanted the crazy guitar playing guy with the huge stacks to drive me around.


Haha, I really wanted to try one of the drivers, but yeah, the Doof Warrior would have made me go for it instantly


If you're not careful, people are going to start calling you Ambitious Game Reviews.


I'm even more bummed that I couldn't go. I would have killed to see you and PushingUpRoses do a live let's play! I have wanted to go to one of these events (E3, PAX, CES, or PAX) for a really long time but again couldn't go this year. Film school keeps me very busy. LGR, if you need a director of photography/camera operator next year, let me know haha. Although, I think you've got that covered. I was actually quite impressed with your camera work in this video. It can be very challenging to shoot handheld video on a DSLR. And your camerawork in general, has improved leaps and bounds since your early videos too. Despite there being more of the same, I think I would like that in some ways. It would it make it less stressful to try and see everything and make the event more about meeting people and spending more time at the things that truly matter.

Sterling Treadwell

ha looks like right fun! you got to hang out with some pretty awesome people and I love that some of the devs recognised you (and that your videos were playing in the old pc room lol). you're famous! yours loved! youre.. likely coming down with the flu.... shoot me your address again and i'll ship you a case of orange juice lol


Post PAX sadness is a real thing. Now it's back to reality where my nerdness isn't effortlessly expressed. Where I have to explain why DOS games are worth all the hassle setting up. Where my StreetPass gate is empty until my next commute to work. Still, each PAX I have been to has inspired me to do something new (kind of like a Next PAX Resolution), for me this next year I want to finally play through the Metal Gear Solid series (I've only played the NES Metalgear). That panel on the end of an era was great :) I was happy to have finally let you in person and look forward to next years coverage. Perhaps we will meet again.


It was great meeting you, dude! Yeah, the depression hits quickly, it's weird not having 50,000 places to be at once and tons of people to talk to